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云台山英语导游词 篇1

  Hello, all tourists. Welcome to Xiaoxue travel agency. Today we are goingto visit Yuntai Mountain, a famous mountain and holy water in northern China. Myname is Wang. Please call me Wang Dao.

  Well, we are now at the foot of Yuntai mountain. Yuntai Mountain belongs toTaihang mountain system. It is a famous mountain in Northern Henan Province. Itis named Yuntai mountain because of its precipitous situation, isolated anddense main peak, and its shape is like a big pot. It is often covered by cloudsand fog.

  Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, 30 kilometers northeast ofJiaozuo City, Henan Province. It is adjacent to Shanxi Province in the north,Huixian City in the East, Fangshan Mountain in the West and endless plain in thesouth. There are thirty-six big and small famous peaks, with emerald peaks andmagnificent and dangerous dreams. Zhuyu peak, the main peak, has a dense forest,which is a National Forest Park and can be called "garden in the garden". Thetotal planning area of the scenic spot is about 55 square kilometers. It isdivided into three systems: Yifeng Yue Jingfei, Zhuyu Feng, sandufeng Diecaicave, nongxiu Valley, Ergou Valley Jingfei, wenpan Valley, Pingfang lake, laotanValley, three religious Jingfei; Zhenqing palace, Wanshan temple, Xuandi temple,Baijiayan. It has beautiful natural landscape and rich cultural landscape. LiuXie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, the Seven Sages of the bamboo grove of theWei and Jin Dynasties, Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, EmperorTaizong of the Tang Dynasty, and his general Wei chijing all left historicalrelics here.

  Yuntai Mountain has beautiful scenery and cool climate. There are abundantsprings and dense vegetation. The original secondary forest covers the wholemountain. There are more than 400 kinds of trees and plants. Besides ginseng andGanoderma lucidum, there are more than 200 kinds of traditional Chinesemedicine, such as the four well-known huaiyue, Cornus officinalis and Angelicasinensis.

  Now our trip is over, I hope you are happy!

云台山英语导游词 篇2

  Today, we are going to visit Yuntai Mountain World Geopark. Yuntai Mountainis a famous tourist area of grade 5A in the world. It is full of vitalityeverywhere. Please protect the environment consciously.

  The first scenic spot we came to is the spring waterfall gorge of Yuntaimountain. In the morning, between the two mountains, there is a magnificent andbeautiful waterfall. Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem"looking at the Lushan waterfall" here. He exaggeratedly compared the waterfallto "flying down 3000 feet, doubting that the Milky way is falling nine days." Ithink everyone knows.

  Next, we are going to see the peak of Yuntai Mountain - Zhuyu peak, whichis about 1300 meters above sea level. It is the main peak of Yuntai mountain.Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei also wrote here the eternal quatrains of "recallingShandong brothers on September 9". On the top of the peak stands a smallPavilion, which is the place where Zhuyu is inserted. Please watch itcarefully.

  After visiting Shengding, we came to the famous hongshixia. These purplered quartz sandstones were deposited in the coastal area 1.2 billion years ago.Since 2.5 million years ago, due to the strong uplift of neotectonic movementand the deep cutting of water erosion, the Danya cliff with a height of morethan 150 meters has been formed, which has become hongshixia.

  The last place I want to take you to is Wanshan temple. Wanshan temple islocated under the nipple shaped peak of yanwangbi. Surrounded by greenmountains, it has beautiful scenery and can let you breathe fresh air. Tourists,follow me to take a few deep breaths. You will never forget this breath.

  Tourists, Yuntai Mountain is full of beautiful scenery. I can't say enough.Please take your time.

云台山英语导游词 篇3

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to Henan. I'm glad to be your guide today. My nameis sun. You can call me sun Dao.

  Today we are visiting Yuntai Mountain, which is a national scenic spot, thefirst batch of 5A national tourist attractions and the first batch of globalgeoparks. Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, HenanProvince, with a total area of 190 square kilometers. There are 11 scenic spots,including Hongshi gorge, tanpu gorge, quanpu gorge, Qinglong gorge, Fenglingorge, macaque Valley, Zhuyu peak, Diecai cave, Wanshan temple, Zifang lake,Baijiayan and so on. It is a comprehensive scenic spot with rift valleystructure and hydrodynamic effect, supplemented by natural ecology and culturallandscape Scenic Attraction.

  Yuntai Mountain is famous for its mountains and water. In spring, it isfull of mountain flowers. In summer, it is full of waterfalls and springs. Inautumn, it is full of red leaves. In winter, it is covered with snow. It issuitable for all seasons. There are unique red stone gorge in the world,Yuntaishan waterfall, the highest drop in Asia, tanpu gorge, the most beautifulgorge in Central China, Zhuyu peak, a famous saying written by Wang Wei, a greatpoet of the Tang Dynasty, that "you are a stranger in a foreign land, and youmiss your relatives in every festival", and Baijiayan, which is praised as "alake in the world, with thousands of sceneries in it". Today we are on thescene, you tourists will be able to feast your eyes.

  Now our car has been parked in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. After you getoff, you can enter various scenic spots according to the signs, and visit andtake photos at will. But pay attention to protect the environment of the scenicspot, do not litter. We are still gathering here at 4 p.m. for the return trip.Please observe the time.

云台山英语导游词 篇4

  Tourists, you are now in Xiuwu County, 30 kilometers away from JiaozuoCity, Henan Province, where Yuntai Mountain is located. Yuntai Mountain is namedbecause of its precipitous situation and frequent clouds and fog among thepeaks. Yuntai Mountain is also the only scenic spot in Henan Province with sevennational titles, including National Forest Park, National Geopark and the firstbatch of 5A national scenic spots. The main scenic spots are: Hongshi gorge,Zifang lake, quanpu gorge, Yuntai Tianpu, Zhuyu peak, etc.

  After the visit, Xiao Xiang reminded everyone to take a good road. In themeantime, we have come to hongshixia. Hongshi gorge is about 1 km long and 68meters deep. The widest part is more than 30 meters, and the narrowest part isonly a few meters. When you come to Hongshi gorge, you'd better stand on thebridge and have a look down. The red gorge, against the backdrop of green waterand green mountains, is just like a line of red among thousands of green, whichis spectacular. At this time, some people may want to ask: Why are the rockshere red? This is because the rocks in hongshixia are rich in iron ore. as timegoes on, the iron ore material slowly oxidizes, and the cliff is dyed red. Thus,the wonderful landscape of Danxia blue water is formed.

  When you enter the valley, do you think it is cooler than outside? Pleasesee, there are cliffs on both sides, surrounded by mountains, which makes theair in the valley difficult to circulate, forming a unique climatecharacteristic in the valley: warm in winter and cool in summer. The annualtemperature is about 10 ℃, so hongshixia is also known as "wenpanyu".

  Friends, please remember: "walking does not watch the scenery, watchingdoes not walk.". Continue to move westward with Xiaoxiang. Now the endless Lakewe see is what the local people call Zifang lake. Zifang lake is named afterZhang Liang, a famous doctor of the Western Han Dynasty, who lived in seclusionhere. It is the only lake water landscape in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. Thewater quality of Zifang lake is excellent, the deepest is about 65 meters. Peachblossom jellyfish is a rare wild animal found in the lake. It is one of the mostprimitive and lowest invertebrates on the earth. It gets its name because itlooks like peach blossom. Because it is on the verge of extinction, the peachblossom jellyfish is also known as the "giant panda in the water.".

  After Zifang lake and Manshui bridge, you can see the Mountain Gate oflaotangou. There is also a beautiful legend about laotangou: it is said thatthere was a dragon king in the sky. In order to save the people from drought, hesecretly rained in spite of the Jade Emperor's will. He lived in a deep poolhere and called it "Longtan". Later, some people changed "Dragon" into "old" toshow their respect for the dragon, so it became "old" I'm in the old ditch.

  Tourists, the magnificent waterfall in front of you is Yuntai mountainwaterfall. It falls 314 meters and is about 5-7 meters wide. It is the largestwaterfall found in Asia. Therefore, it is called "Tianpu". It is also the mostscenic spot in Yuntai mountain. Standing next to it, I believe you will alsofully appreciate the magnificent momentum of "flying down 3000 feet, suspectedto be the Milky way falling nine days".

  What you see ahead is Zhuyu peak. Zhuyu peak, 1304 meters above sea level,is the main peak of Yuntai mountain. It is named after the ancient Chinesemedicinal plant Zhuyu. There are two sightseeing routes for Zhuyu peak: one isto climb 1667 steps to reach Shengding Zhuyu peak, on which there is Yaowangcave, which is said to be the place where Sun Simiao practiced pills andcollected herbs; the other is Chongyang Pavilion in the upper reaches ofFenghuang mountain. There are two thousand year old maple trees, one female andone male. It takes two hours to visit Zhuyu peak and one hour to visit Fenghuangmountain. We can make our own arrangements according to our own physicalstrength. We are still gathering here at 12:30 noon. Please remember that it is12:30 noon. Well, that's all for the tour of Yuntai mountain. I wish you all thebest in the next tour. Thank you for your support!

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