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天坛的导游词范文 篇1

  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you ,the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven.

  (Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar)

  The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven ,the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. But why ?

  The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind ,and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being.

  The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature. In those days, there were specfic rites of worship. This was especially true during the Ming and Qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held.

  The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Youngle of the Ming Dynasty. Situated in the southern part of the city ,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares. To better symbolize heaven and earth ,the northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square .The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one. The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices. The inner enclosure consists of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mound Altar.

  (Along the Imperial Passage leading from the Southern Lattice Star Gate in front of the Circular Mound Altar)

  the Circular Mound Altar is enclosed by two walls ,each containing four groups of Souther

  n Lattice Star Gate, each in turn consisting of three doors, with 24 marble doors altogether. Standing on the passage facing north, you will notice that with each pair of doors on is narrower than the other. This reflects the feudal hierarchy: the wider door was reserved for monarchs, while the narrower one was used by courtiers.

  On the day of the ceremony ,the emperor would don his ritual costume and be ushered in by the official in charge of religious affairs. He ascended the three terraces in the forefront to pay tribute at the alter.

  (Atop the Circular Mound Alter)

  we are now on the top terrace of the Altar, or the third terrace .Each terrace has a flight of 9 steps. At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 steps. At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 concentric rings of stone. The number of stones in the first ring is 9, in the second ,18, up to 81 in the 9th ring. Even the number of carved balustrades on these terraces is a multiplee of 9. But why?

  According to an cient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang were two opposing factors. Heaven and the odd numbers belonged to yang while the Earth and even numbers belonged to yin. Nine was the largest heavenly number accessible to man . What is more, the ancient people also believed that heaven consisted of nine layers and that the emperor` s abode was on the uppermost tier.

天坛的导游词范文 篇2






天坛的导游词范文 篇3



  天坛,建于明朝永乐四年至十八年(1406——1420),与紫禁城(故宫)同时兴建。耗时20xx年,距今已有580多年历史。其占地273公顷,比故宫大3.7倍,略小于颐和园。整个建筑布局呈"回"字形,分为内外坛两大部分,各有坛墙围括。外坛墙总长6416米,原来仅设西门,为天坛的正门,是当年皇帝前来天坛祭祀时进出的大门。现在的东、南、北各门,都是后来开辟的。内坛墙总长3292米,分设有东、南、西、北四大"天门"。明代初年,祭天地都在此处举行,名为天地坛。嘉靖九年(1530年),在北郊另建方泽坛(地坛)后,才实行天地分祭,从此这里专门用于祭天,成为名副其实的天坛。 历代封建皇帝对祭天活动都极为重视,每年要两次亲临天坛祭天。第一次是在农历正月十五日,至祈年殿举行祈谷礼,祀(si)"皇天上帝"保佑五谷丰登,第二次是在冬至,至圜丘坛禀告五谷业已丰收,感谢天帝的保佑之恩。新中国成立后,天坛回到了真正当家作主的人民手中,并被列为全国重点文物保护单位。


  此刻在我们眼前的便是圜丘坛俗称祭天台,这是名副其实的天坛。建于明嘉靖九年(1530),清乾隆十四年(1749)扩建,是一座四周由白石雕栏围护的三层石造圆台,通高五米,明、清两代,每年冬至日皇帝亲临的祭天礼仪,就在此坛举行。 圜丘坛在建筑形式上,有着许多神奇有趣的说法。这是我国古代人民巧妙运用几何学原理设计的一座杰出建筑,各项建筑材料的数学计算均极其精确,其中包含"九"的含义与运用深为中外广大游人所赞叹与称奇。

  圜丘坛共分三层,每层四面各有台阶九级。每层周围都设有精雕细刻的汉白玉石栏杆。栏杆的数字均为九或九的倍数,即上层72根、中层108根、下层180根。同时,各层铺设的扇面形石板,也是九或九的倍数。如最上层的中心是一块圆形大理石(称作天心石或太极石),从中心石向外,第一环为9块,第二环18块,到第九环81块;中层从第十环的90块至十八环的162块;下层从十九环的171块至二十七环的243块,三层共378个"九",为3402块。 同时,上层直径为9丈(取一九),中层直径为十五丈(取三五),下层直径为21丈(取三七),合起来45丈,不但是九的倍数,而且还有""之尊的含义。为什么要用九或九的倍数来设计建造祭坛呢?原因是:一、据神话传说,皇天上帝是住在九重天里,用九或九的倍数来象征九重天,以表示天体的至高与至大。二、在我国古代把单数(奇数)看作阳数,而将双数(偶数)视为阴数。天为阳、地为阴。天坛是用来祭天的,只能用阳数进行建筑。而"九"又被视为"极阳数",这是最吉祥的数字。除了封建迷信的因素外,而这种设计规制,却反映出当时工匠们高超的数学知识和计算才能,实在令人叹服。



  现在是我给大家介绍回音壁,它是指围括皇穹宇和东西配殿的高大的圆形围墙而言。围墙周长193.2米,直径61.5米,墙高3.72 米,厚0.9米。如果两个人分别站在院内东西配殿后的墙下,均面部朝北对墙低声说话,可像打电话一样互相对话,极其奇妙有趣,这就是回音壁得名的由来。

  下面介绍的是迷人的圆心石回音  圜丘坛上层中心有一块圆心石,是游人最感兴趣的又一奇妙之处。当你站在圆心石上轻声说话时,自己听起来声音很宏大,有共鸣性回音之感。但站在第二、三环以外的人,则无此种感觉。为什么呢?原来,这也是一种声学现象:由于坛面十分光洁平滑,声波传到周围等距离的石栏围板后,能够迅速地被反射回来。据声学专家测验,从发音到声波再回到圆心石的时间,总共仅有零点零七秒钟。说话者根本无法分清它的原音和回音,所以站在圆心石的人听起来,其共鸣性回音就格外响亮。封建统治者则把这种声学现象说成是"上天垂象",是天下万民对于朝廷的无限归心与一致响应,同时并赋予"亿兆景从石"的美名。

天坛的导游词范文 篇4








天坛的导游词范文 篇5







天坛的导游词范文 篇6








天坛的导游词范文 篇7

  Dear visitors, today we will visit the emperor worship was formerly place - the temple of heaven.

  Ming yongle emperor after moved in Beijing enterprise of Beijing, the big site modeled nanjing is established for this role in praying to alter, covers an area of reached 273 million square meters. Lord architecture is big, is also the site of QiNianDian position today. The temple of heaven has outer wall and the altar, the north is round compound has wall, the south is square, take meaning nature round place. In the beginning, heaven and offering ground is the temple of heaven, until the jiajing years in beicheng built ditan, just separate, and new MengDong HuanQiu altar, for the original big praying to the site, and great temple, instead, when MengChun specially for the mega garden just house roof was three double-hipped roof, from top to bottom blue and yellow green colors representing the earthen universe. And in qianlong multiplied, instead of the house, and now QiNianDian with roof tiles blue glazed tile. Thus formed today what we see of the world's largest ceremonial buildings.

  But such a praying to the holy land, but also once was in the anglo-french allied in 1860, then the looted in 1900 was again the ravages of g8 coalition. In 1916 the reign of yuan shikai once also in the temple of heaven has played a ceremonial farce. In 1918, the temple of heaven park end up with open. After the liberation tiantan not only become the famous tourist attractions, and still part of the Beijing urban green space, come here not only is the tourists, also have some specifically for the old people vti).

  Now let's put the altar along the route that the emperor start the tour.

  re going to see is HuanQiu altar of ancient emperor worship. There are two ways HuanQiu surrounded wall, make foreign inside the circle, accord with that nature round place. Every wall all have four groups lingxingmeng, from east ordinal it is tai yuan, zhao heng, GuangLi, ChengZhen, each group sanmen, a total of 24 seats, called "cloud gate jade". You can notice, lingxingmeng size are different, this is because in door is god dedicated, so tall; Only from the door of the emperor into; But other officials can only from the right side of the door through the smallest. And the same platform is emperor ceremonies in worship before replacement offering clothing and wash one's hands and face with local, called served Chinese Taiwan. Came to HuanQiu altar, we'll start next put altar, but I please pay attention to each layer of how many steps square. To top it all, we also found, the altar all steps number, guard board number are nine or multiples of nine. Every board a layer, have 9 steps, mesa tablets of stone, called pure among the first lap the periphery of nine laps huge brick slab, the second lap fan 18 blocks, and so on, to most outside the 9th lap is just 81 block; And everybody looked can see enclosure panels were all steps is divided into four parts, each part also has nine pieces, while middle-level enclosure panel is 18 blocks, lower is 27 pieces, these aren't all be coincidence? Of course not, because according to the Yin yang-five elements, it is extremely Yang number nine, so ancient craftsman will use this digital to give HuanQiu sets the noble thoughts.

天坛的导游词范文 篇8








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