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广东省万绿湖导游词 篇2







广东省万绿湖导游词 篇3

  The beautiful scenery of Lingnan gardens has a long history of ancientcharm and style, which can be traced back to Nanyue and the small dynasties ofthe Southern Han Dynasty. In history, the landscape architecture built in LitchiBay has a larger scale. For example, the garden of the Southern Han Dynasty, theChanghua garden of "ten li red clouds and eight bridges" and the evening ViewGarden of Huang Zhong, the right servant of the Ministry of war in the MingDynasty In the Qing Dynasty, there were Tang Liyuan (qiuzhu garden) by Qiu Xi, agentleman of Guangzhou, Huancui garden by Cai Tinghui, and Lixiang garden in thelate Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. One of the most famousprivate gardens in the city in the Qing Dynasty is the Haishan fairy hall, whichwas built by Pan Shicheng, a wealthy businessman and cultural celebrity inGuangzhou during the reign of Daoguang. It's named after the couplet on thedoor.

  The sea mountain fairy house is like a natural and wild Wonderland. Itshows the classical garden characteristics of implication, exquisite andexquisite. It also appeals to the gentle and comfortable, pleasant scenery andcalm elegance of the folk custom of southern Guangdong. I don't know when it'scloudy and when it's rainy tonight

  Haishan fairy house was once a huge private garden located in Litchi bay atthat time. It was pan Shicheng's villa mansion.

  Pan Shicheng, also known as deshe, took part in Shuntian rural examinationin 1832, and was a student of Banggong. Later, he donated a large sum of moneyto relieve the victims in Beijing, and was given drinks to all the people. Heonce mainly engaged in salt and foreign affairs. Later, he undertook the coastaldefense military industry, and became a rich man. According to textual research,the scope of Panyuan is roughly in the area of Liwan Lake Park. Compared withthe surrounding scenery at that time, it extends to Penglai road in the south,pantang in the north, sanchayong in Longjin West Road in the East, and the PearlRiver in the West. It can be seen from Mr. Lu Wenlian's "preliminary study onthe sea mountain fairy house" published in the Journal of Southern architecturein 1997: looking to the west is the rolling Pearl River and the endless ships;looking to the East is the Xiguan folk houses and the ancient Guangzhou citywall; there are green fields and rolling mountains in the north; and to thesouth is Ye's small garden and white goose pond with foreign merchant ships. "It's not hard to imagine that Haishan fairy house, no matter where it is locatedin Fengshui, or the vast and magnificent area, could be regarded as a "giant" inthe garden architecture of Lingnan in Guangdong at that time. It can also bedescribed as a "model of South Garden" with unique advantages, leading the wayand dominating the public.

  There are few written descriptions of haishanxian hall preserved inhistory. At present, the precious materials reflecting the history of hisoriginal works mainly include the picture of Haishan immortal Museum painted byXia Luan, a famous painter of Qing Dynasty, at the invitation of Pan Shicheng,collected by Guangzhou Art Museum, which provides us with an exquisite panoramaof Haishan immortal Museum in the past. In the middle of the 19th century,shangtinggua, a thirteen line painter, made a paper gouache painting, qinghuachiMuseum in pantang, Guangzhou, which introduces the local gardens of Haishanimmortal Museum Scenery. In addition, a group of photos of the pavilions andpavilions of the Haishan fairy Pavilion taken by the French Jules eguel in 1844,the miscellany of old China published by American hunter in 1885 (reprinted inHong Kong in 1993), and the notes of lotus corridor written by Yu Xunqing andthe four stories of Nanting written by Li Baojia can reveal the gardenconstruction of the Haishan fairy Pavilion The architectural features and styleare as follows: the garden is simple and elegant, but not just brilliant inChina; the wonderful scenery has the meaning of the south of the Yangtze River,but adds more lychees on the Bay, and so on. From this, we can judge that themain feature of the garden architecture of Haishan fairy hall is the use of thelitchi forest on the Bank of litchi Bay, so that the inherent cultural heritage,regional characteristics and rural landscape of Lingnan, such as twigs andvines, secluded silence, misty, gentle and delicate, are combined, the scenesare interlinked, and heaven and man are in one, which further reveals andpresents the highest realm and Transcendence of Lingnan Garden art Shensui -simple and refined. Just like Lu Wencong's Haishan immortal Pavilion, it has anatural and gentle style: Jiangli on the dike, Baihe in the water, Dangui in thecourt, curly pines and emerald cypresses, bamboo shadow and Tongyin, and exoticflowers and plants set off each other, forming a greening system. " Indeed,thanks to the grace of nature, the sea mountain fairy Pavilion is surrounded byvast and beautiful green mountains and water, green thin red fat shade. Becauseof the good environmental conditions inside and outside, the design andarrangement of pavilions and pavilions in garden architecture can have greaterfreedom. It has scenery everywhere, green to set off and shade to follow, so itdoes not need to rely on the beauty of carved beams and painted buildings Inother words, we can use the natural spirit to show the charm, and get rid of alot of carved craftsman's face.

  The sea mountain fairy house, which is as dark as the clouds, is also likea wonderland in the world. It shows the characteristics of classical gardens,which are implicit, exquisite and exquisite. It also quietly appeals to thegentle and comfortable feeling of the folk custom of southern Guangdong, whichis pleasant to the landscape and tranquil to the world. I don't know when it'scloudy and moon, or when it's rain and smoke. "The imaginary Haishan fairy houseis like a mirage. It's beautiful and dreamy. I can't remember the name of thecreator. It's just a paradise that attracts countless poets, poets, and manypeople

  The reason why Haishan fairy house is loved by people is not only becauseof its beautiful garden scenery and red litchi cloud color, but also because ofits rich classical cultural connotation. Pan Shicheng, the owner of the garden,is not only a wealthy businessman of thirteen lines, but also a well-knowncultural celebrity with rich collection. He did not hesitate to spend a largesum of money to print 56 kinds of "haishanxianguan series" with 492 volumes,which were divided into four parts, namely classics, history, Zi and Ji, with atotal of 120 volumes. He also carefully collected the famous calligraphers'calligraphy and pastes, and divided their precious handwriting into "imitatingthe ancient, collecting the true and bequeathing the Fen". Then he chiseled morethan 1000 stone carvings, most of which were inlaid in the cave wall of thewinding path of the cloister in the garden. He also printed the stone rubbingsof these famous calligraphers as the "sea mountain fairy Pavilion clusterpaste". Pan Shicheng's fame and prestige were greatly enhanced because of themaster's tireless efforts in gold mining, perseverance and acceptance of allrivers. As a matter of course, the Haishan fairy house became a happy land andfamous garden often gathered by dignitaries, celebrities, foreign businessmenand rich people at that time. Even the meetings between foreign envoys andgovernment officials were often fake We are here for peace talks. There is nodoubt that the American writer hunter, the French photographer Jules eguel, andthe famous British photographer and writer John Townsend were all frequentfriends in the Haishan fairy house at that time. They were infatuated with thistypical Chinese garden, and they were responsible for the land right to turnthis "strange and interesting" and beautiful paradise into their art withpictures and texts Art treasures spread to the overseas world.

  Pan Shicheng made friends all over the world in his life. He despised moneyand was good at charity. In his early years, he made many donations to thecapital, Guangdong and other places, reaching as much as 13000 taels of silverat one time. Later, he donated 13500 Liang to repair Guangzhou Gongyuan andpaved stone road from xiaobeimen to Baiyunshan. When he supervised the warshipsof seven coastal provinces, he spared no effort to hire Americans to come toChina to develop mines, which was praised by Emperor Daoguang.

  Unfortunately, this legendary man, who was famous all over the world,eventually went bankrupt because of the loss of salt industry. The garden andits property were copied into the government. The government issued lotterytickets with 3 Liang silver each to attract investors. The winner could get thisfairy garden. It is said that the winner of the prize was a teacher. Later,because the garden was useless, it was demolished and sold. Some people evensplit the four characters of "Haishan fairy house" into six characters of "threeofficial food for each person", which alleges the embarrassing situation of PanShicheng's final bankruptcy!

  Haishan fairy house, indeed, did not enjoy the fortune of Yin Fu as the"four famous gardens in Guangdong" that survived to this day. With the declineof Pan Shicheng's family, it was auctioned by the Qing government, dismemberedand sold by the refined and vulgar people, and finally disappeared. Who can notlament the unfortunate experience of this rich historical and culturalheritage?

  Fortunately, today, in order to promote Xiguan's traditional culture anddevelop business and tourism, the people's Government of Liwan District hasdecided to rebuild haishanxian Pavilion in Liwan Lake Park, and the first phaseof the project has been completed. As a result, the people who think reverie andlook up to pray for sigh are disconsolate and regret that they only know itsname and do not know its whereabouts.

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