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最新凤凰古城导游词 篇1

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to Fenghuang ancient city. For you, this ancientcity has been waiting for thousands of years. Phoenix has beautiful scenery,long history and many places of interest. Inside the city, the elegant demeanorof ancient city buildings and Ming and Qing ancient courtyards remains. Theancient and simple Tuojiang River flows quietly. Outside the city, there areNanhua Mountain National Forest Park, Qiliang cave, an art palace under thecity, huangsiqiao ancient city built in the Tang Dynasty, and the world-famoussouthern Great wall So the beauty of the Phoenix is in Song Zuying's songs,Huang Yongyu's paintings and Shen Congwen's books. Next, please follow oursister into the Phoenix and learn about the Phoenix

  [former residence of Shen Congwen] Shen Congwen, formerly known as Shenyuehuan, is a famous writer, historian and cultural relic expert in China. Hisliterary works have been translated by dozens of countries, such as Britain, theUnited States, Japan, France, Switzerland and so on, such as "border town","Research on ancient Chinese clothing" and so on. Known as the father of theworld's local literature.

  He is not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the pride of thePhoenix people. His works of more than 5 million words in his life are theliterary treasures of the world, and also leave valuable historical documentsfor future generations to study China and Xiangxi.

  In 1866, it is a timber structure quadrangle building, covering an area of600 square meters. It is divided into two buildings with 10 rooms in total. Mr.Shen was born here on December 28, 20__, and spent his childhood and youth here.In 1988, Mr. Shen died of illness in Beijing, and his ashes were buried at thefoot of Tingtao mountain in Fenghuang County. In the same year, his formerresidence was overhauled and opened to tourists. Now it is listed as aprovincial cultural relic protection unit.

  [boating on Tuojiang River] Tuojiang River is the mother river of Fenghuangancient city. It flows slowly according to the city wall and feeds the childrenof the ancient city for generations. Sitting on the boat, listening to theboatman's song and looking at the Tujia Diaojiaolou, which has a history of 100years on both sides of the Strait, has a special charm. Down the river, acrossHongqiao, a picture of Jiangnan Water Village is displayed: Longevity Palace,Wanming tower, duocui tower A feeling of being far away from the world.

  The most beautiful phoenix is the simple and elegant stilted building. Thegray stilted building of the same color, depending on the current of TuojiangRiver, develops with the trend. There are rows of pavilions attached to bothsides of the Tuojiang River, with grey tiles and light walls, carved windowsills and ancient lotus lamps. There is no stinginess and obstruction of thecourtyard. Wall to wall, eaves to eaves, family style inn shop is neitherexaggerated nor vulgar. The shops in the street look at each other as if theywere walking in a picture of a thousand years of history.

  Living in the Diaojiao building, the most enjoyable thing is that at dusk,leaning on the wooden railings of the balcony, you can see the river and thereare boaters rowing the waves of the river. The boatman at the helm, dressed inXiangxi's national costumes, a bamboo hat and a bamboo pole, set off theimplicit and simple beauty of Jiangnan Water Town. Can't help singing: "Meiwawant to cross the river, is that to push me?" the people who swim in the river,drinking the river breeze, laughing ten li. The folk song that the boatman comeswith is to push the tourists' interest to a higher level. Many tourists evensing folk songs in concert.

  "Lang passed by the door, my sister was sitting at home, I made a bowl offragrant tea, and I gave him a drink, yo!" although there was no brocade andsatin sentence, it was also popular and natural. [Xiong Xiling's formerresidence] accompanied by folk songs, we came to Xiong Xiling's formerresidence. On June 25, 1869 (lunar calendar), Xiong Xiling was born here andspent his childhood here. He was born intelligent, known as "Hunan prodigy",15-year-old scholar, 22-year-old winner, 25-year-old Jinshi, after the pointHanlin. In 1920x, he was elected as the first democratically elected PrimeMinister of the Republic of China. Because he opposed Yuan Shikai's restorationof the monarchy, he was soon forced to resign.

  In his later years, Xiong devoted himself to charity and education, andfounded the famous Xiangshan children's home in 1920__. On December 25, 1937,the man of the moment died in Hong Kong at the age of 68. At that time, thenational government held a state funeral ceremony for him.

  [great wall of the South]

  Most of the great wall of southern China is located in Xiangxi Tujia andMiao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province. The South Great Wall was firstbuilt in the 33rd year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty, which lasted for more than 60years. It starts from tingziguan at the junction of Tongren City in GuizhouProvince in the South and ends at the magpie camp in Jishou City in WesternHunan Province in the north. It is known as the "miaojiang Wanli wall", with atotal length of 382 Li. It is one of the largest ancient buildings in Chinesehistory.

  The main purpose of the construction of the South Great Wall is to preventthe Miao people from uprising. Therefore, there are barracks, border and sentryposts every three or five miles of the city wall. The construction of the SouthGreat wall separates the South and north of the Miao border in Western Hunan,and the "living world" with the north as "foreigners" stipulates that "the Miaopeople do not leave the country, and the Han people do not enter the cave",which prohibits the commercial trade and cultural exchanges between the Miao andthe Han people.

  The ruins of the South Great Wall tell us the vicissitudes of hundreds ofyears of wind and rain, the desolation of the first tomb, and the promise whenwe stick to it, as if it took us into an old dream According to the localpeople, "the South Great Wall is built along the mountain and by water withlocal materials. If there are stones, they will be built with stones. If thereare no stones, they will be rammed with loess. Although the South Great Wall isnot so tall, it does not lack everything that a military defense project of thenature of the Great Wall should have, and its military buildings, such as sentryposts, fortress gates and so on . It's more dense than the Great Wall in thenorth. " Today's remains of the South Great Wall shocked us.

  The great wall of the south is a real historical and cultural heritage. Itshows the characteristics of a dynasty, integrates the political, economic,military and cultural phenomena of that dynasty, and constructs the spiritualessence of the governing method of that dynasty. It is a fresh historicalmaterial to study the conquest and rule of the remote minority nationalities inMing and Qing Dynasties. Now the war has become a thing of the past, thebattlefield of that year has now become a tourist attraction, and history hasbecome a thing of the past. The great wall of the South will once again arousepeople's infinite memories and admiration for history.

  [Qiliang cave] Qiliang cave is located four kilometers to the north of thecounty. It is a typical carbonate cave. It is famous for its fourcharacteristics: strange, beautiful, broad and quiet. With a length of more than6000 meters, the cave is divided into five scenic spots: ancient battlefield,gallery, paradise, Dragon Palace and Yinyang river. There are mountains in thecave, there are caves in the mountain, and the caves are connected. It is acollection of wonderful rocks, flowing springs and waterfalls in one cave. It iscomposed of a variety of stalagmites, pillars and stalactites.

  A small stream passes through the hole, the water flow is gentle, the lighthits on the rock wall, the folds reflect in the water, like a dream.

  The cave is decorated with colorful neon lights on stalagmites, stonecurtains and stone flowers, creating a world of flowing light. There is a hallin the cave, which is said to be a gathering place for the Miao people. A stonewith a small hole stands in the hall, whistling at the small hole. The wholehall will reverberate with a low trumpet sound. The Miao people used this way tosend orders.

  [huangsiqiao ancient city] huangsiqiao ancient city is located 24kilometers to the west of the county. It was called Weiyang city in ancienttimes. It was built in the second year of Tang Dynasty (686 AD) and has ahistory of more than 1300 years. In 1720__, the imperial court set up FenghuangZhili hall and yuanyongjing bingbei road to appease and suppress the ethnicminorities. In 1794, the largest Miao uprising in history broke out here.Historians call this uprising a war in the Qing Dynasty, and from then on, theQing Dynasty began to fall. Huangsiqiao ancient city is a part of the Great Wallin the south, which is the front of the Miao and Han Dynasties.

  The perimeter of the city wall is 686 meters, 153 meters from east to west,190 meters from north to south, with a total area of 29070 square meters. Theheight of the city wall is 5.6 meters, and the thickness is 2.9 meters. Thewidth of the walkway on the city wall is 2.4 meters. There are 300 arrowbuttresses and three gates in the East, West and North. In October 1983,huangsiqiao ancient city was listed as a provincial key cultural relicsprotection unit. ending:

  A green mountain embraces the ancient city, a bay of tuoshui flows aroundthe city, a red stone street, a row of small stilts, a wind and rain ancientGreat Wall, a vicissitudes ancient castle, a mysterious Qiliang cave, and agroup of world-famous people

  When you travel to Phoenix City, you can see the beautiful shadow ofTuojiang River. The fragrance of glutinous rice wine overflows in the cup, andthe folk songs of Miao village are long.

最新凤凰古城导游词 篇2

  Dear friends

  Hello, everyone. I'm the tour guide of __ travel agency. I'd like tointroduce the scenic spots and folk customs of Zhangjiajie tourism, Fenghuangancient city, Changsha, Shaoshan and other places. It is said that Phoenix, thegod bird of the kingdom of Heaven (ancient India), after reaching the age of500, set incense wood on fire and revived from the ashes. It is delicious and nolonger dies. This bird is Phoenix, the king of birds in China. There is amountain in the southwest of Fenghuang that looks like a flying phoenix, so itis named after it. Fenghuang, formerly known as Zhengan, is located in thesouthwest of our state, with a total area of more than 1700 square kilometersand a population of 370000. It is a county inhabited by Miao and Tujia ethnicminorities. Fenghuang has a long history. During the spring and Autumn periodand Warring States period, it belonged to Chu, Qin to Qianzhong County, WeiyangCounty in Tang Dynasty, Wuzhai chief executive department in Yuan and MingDynasty, and qingtongting, Zhen and Daofu. It became the military and politicalcenter of Western Hunan. Fenghuang's tourism resources are mainly rich inhistory and culture. The special history here has left many historic sites, andthe special historical culture has shaped a group of celebrities.

  Phoenix, with its beautiful scenery and numerous places of interest, hasalways been a popular tourist attraction. Since ancient times, there have beeneight scenic spots, such as Dongling Yinghui, Nanhua Diecui, Longtan Yuhuo,Shansi morning bell, Qifeng Tingxiu, Xiqiao night moon, Lanjing Qiaoge and fangeHuitao. It has the world-famous style of the ancient city, the most completestone city left by the Tang Dynasty - huangsiqiao, the historical witness of theisolation between Miao and Han, the border wall of Miao, the great wall ofsouthern China, and the Qiliang cave, which is known as the king of Huaxia cave.Fenghuang ancient city is located on the Bank of Tuojiang River, surrounded bymountains and magnificent passes. The green Tuojiang River meanders under theancient city wall. The verdant foothills of Nanhua mountain reflect the centerof the river. There are fishing boats and pleasure boats in the river. There arestilts on the cliff, row upon row. The girls washing clothes with hammers besidethe dock are laughing. The east gate and the north gate by the Tuojiang Riverare magnificent. The streets paved with bluestone slabs extend in alldirections. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the houses with wooden structurewere well arranged. All of these make the ancient city like a Chinese landscapepainting with thick ink and light color. After visiting Phoenix, New Zealandfriend Louis Ailey said that there are two most beautiful small cities in China:Changting in Fujian and Fenghuang in Hunan.

  The beauty of Phoenix lies not only in its natural landscape, its localconditions and customs, its cultural relics and its beautiful legends, but alsoin its glorious tradition and its fighting spirit. In the words of Mr. ShenCongwen, the chivalrous spirit of combining personal romantic emotion withhistorical religious emotion has become another model of personality andmorality in this place. Once this kind of chivalry spirit is combined withpatriotism, as long as it is properly led, it will be able to fight against theenemy when the country and the nation need it, and create earth shakingachievements. Indeed, we can see that some of the major events in modern Chinawere attended by Fenghuang people, and they were always at the forefront of thestruggle. Zheng Guohong, the third commander in chief of Dinghai who sacrificedhis life to serve the country in the first film war, Tian Xingshu, thecommanding commander of Guizhou in Qingyan and Kaizhou missionary cases in thesecond film war, Tian Yingzhao, who was awarded the rank of Army lieutenantgeneral by Dr. Sun Yat sen in Yuhuatai during the 1911 Revolution, and TianYingzhao, who fought in Jiashan and Changsha during the Anti Japanese war.Although the place is small, Xiong Xiling, the first people of the Republic ofChina, Shen Congwen, known as the father of local literature and influential allover the world, and Huang Yongyu, a famous painter, have been selected here.

  Now we come to No.10 Zhongying street along Shiban road. This is the formerresidence of Shen Congwen, a famous Chinese writer. This is a typical SouthernCourtyard. There is a small patio in the middle. Around the patio is an ancienthouse with wooden tile structure. There are three main rooms, two wing rooms andthree vestibules. Although there is no carved dragon and painted Phoenix in thisancient courtyard, it is small and exquisite with antique flavor, especially thecarved wooden windows with Xiangxi characteristics.

  Shen Congwen's former residence was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu inthe fifth year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty. On December 28, 1920__, Mr. ShenCongwen was born here. In 1920__, Mr. Shen was 15 years old. Because of hisfamily's decline, he joined the aboriginal army in Western Hunan. He left hishometown and traveled in the Yuanshui and Youshui river basins. Several years ofarmy experience enabled him to witness a life in dire straits and experienced awar in full swing, which stimulated Mr. Shen's desire for creation.

  In 1920x, Mr. Shen came to Beijing alone and began his hard career as awriter. From 1928 to 1930, Mr. Shen worked as a teacher in Shanghai middleschool and chief editor of literature supplement of Ta Kung Pao and Yi Shi Bao.1930-1933, lecturer in Wuhan University and Qingdao University. From 1934 to1939, he edited Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools in China.From 1939 to 1949, he was a professor in the Chinese Department of SouthwestAssociated University. In his 27 years of writing career, Mr. Shen hassuccessively created a series of literary works, such as border town, duck, loveof witches, life of an actress, Xiangxi essays, Xiangxi, autobiography of ShenCongwen, heifengji, Changhe, bajuntu, essays of Shen Congwen, essays of ShenCongwen, etc., which are well-known in Chinese literary circles Almost as famousas Mr. Lu Xun, who is more than 20 years older than him. After the 1950s, Mr.Shen became a researcher of the Chinese Museum of history and the Institute ofhistory of the Chinese Academy of social sciences. He devoted himself to thestudy of Chinese cultural relics and wrote a series of works on cultural relics,such as the study of ancient Chinese costumes, bronze mirrors of Tang and SongDynasties, Ming mirrors, dragon and Phoenix Art, and lacquerware of the WarringStates period. Mr. Shen's works and character show a strong consistency,natural, honest, modest, diligent, broad and dignified.

  Mr. Shen's works of more than 5 million words in his life are the literarytreasures of the world, and also leave valuable historical documents for futuregenerations to study China and Xiangxi.

最新凤凰古城导游词 篇3



















最新凤凰古城导游词 篇4



  欢迎来凤凰古城做客。现在大家所在的地方,是被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎先生称赞为中国两座最美丽的小城之一的湖南凤凰古城。这里与风景名胜区湘西猛洞河、贵州梵净山毗邻,是湖南怀化、吉首和贵州铜仨三地间的必经之地,是著名作家沈从文的故乡。凤凰风景秀丽,名胜古迹很多,历来是人们游览的胜地,自古就有东岭迎辉、南华叠翠、龙潭鱼火、山寺晨钟、奇峰挺秀、溪桥夜月、兰径樵歌和梵阁回涛等八大景。城内,古代城楼、明清古院和石板小街现在仍是风采依然;城外,南华山圄家森林公园、唐代修建的至今仍保存完好的黄丝桥古城,地下艺术宫殿奇梁洞和神奇的风动岩、壮观的尖多朵瀑布、神秘的高达不峡、三门洞将军岩以及如画的电粮山、凤凰山、象鼻山、天星山、腊乐山都在向您招手, 《边城》、 《湘女萧萧》、 《湘西剿匪记》、 《乌龙山剿匪记》、 《血鼓》、 《粟裕大将》等十多部影视剧也曾在这里拍摄。


最新凤凰古城导游词 篇5







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