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英语情书 篇1

  Dear Leann,

  I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.

  Love always,

  Your Ansil 

英语情书 篇2

  Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out.


  Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of ba nd. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing. Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. How I was ?amazed. Your face looked like the cover of the magazine. My head spin. You led my hand, danced along the crazy theme.


  Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking. You stood there, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, brighter than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were together.

  灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,祝辞笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手。君站立一旁,美目探 妾。妾莹灯下颤颤而立。此必上帝之杰作,使晕眩。虽妾与君相隔甚远,然心相近。

  Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at th e Alps side. We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight. Gone was the plane, I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid, you were in my heart, I shouldn ’t have hidden in the dark. I tried to forget your disappointment. I made believe sometime someday, I would tell you, I feel all the same.


  My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell!


  The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swallowed by the darkness. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.


  Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together.


英语情书 篇3

  To: G.J.P. ~ From: Melissa

  Dear G.J.P.,

  Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I can't stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. As much as I try to pretend, the truth is, I can't stop loving you. I don't know how to stop.

  I will cherish the moments we have spent together, from our very first kiss to our last. I miss the way you kiss me, the way you look at me and rub my face, I miss you calling me Ms. Maynard (because you know it gets on my nerves), I miss you missing me, I miss everything about you, I miss our phone conversations and the way we would spend hours talking about our countries and the way we grew up. But most of all I miss my best friend.

  I will place the moments we've shared together in a time capsule and hide it in the most secret place of my heart. And maybe 20 years from now, if or when we meet again, maybe then we can both open the capsule together and be reminded of our wonderful friendship.

  Gosh, my life stinks! I mean I finally meet the right guy and he's not available. I'm in love with you but I can't be with you.

  But, I've got to tell you, for the first time in months I can finally smile because although you didn't say much the last time you called I knew you still cared.

  You can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself why ... why do I feel this way? Why can't I stop loving you? Then it dawned on me ... you put voodoo on me! Just kidding.

  Before I go I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and like I've said many times before, I do not regret anything we've done. The only thing I regret is you telling me you love me because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulders.

  Please don't be scared, I want nothing but your friendship, well ... I do want more but I am willing to settle. I am not trying to make you feel bad or push you further away. I am just trying to make you understand what's in my heart.

  I love you with all my heart ... and I will always love you, G.J.P.

  Love always,


英语情书 篇4



  Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.


  Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.


  The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.


  Every day without you is like a book without pages.


  Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.


  Love is a light that never dims.


  May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.


  She who has never loved, has never lived.


  Life is the flower for which love is the honey.


  No words are necessary between two loving hearts.


英语情书 篇5

  There was a time when I was in the dark,


  until I met you.(


  I couldn't discretion the feeling


  It just like I never ever loved somebody like this.


  I can't stop my love for you.


  I want my soul get back,but you have taken it away


  I don't know what to do.


  Tell me that if you will be with me?


  please don‘t let me down.


英语情书 篇6

  Dear Adam,

  Tonight I write of love to you. I know that in our course of 5 years we have been up and down and just about all around, but yet, through it all we still hold on - holding onto a dream that one day we will be happy together again, the way we were before.

  I know a love like ours people often dream about; that's why I hold on. To ease my mind I need to know ... why do you still hold on? I cannot change the past but work towards the future. I see in my future you and only you. You're my sunrise and sunset - my whole being of myself, living only for you. You make my rainy day's seem happy and my sunny day's something to look forward to as I wake each day. I know I have yet to be perfect and maybe a little rough around the edges but I know that I can be all you want, desire, and need in a lady.

  We created a lovely baby made completely out of love, for that is why every day I look at her, she reminds me of the love we once held so dear. The day you packed your things and left, a part of my heart broke a little more through the endless tears and the unknowing of what is to become of us. It really had me afraid that this time, the end may truly be the end. But still we stay together, maybe not in sharing a home but still together, just to hold dear that true love can happen even to those whom have fallen a little out of love.

  I am thankful we keep trying, for you are the most important person in my life and nothing will ever change that, my soul mate. I love you so deeply that even words tonight cannot express them enough.

  Love always,


英语情书 篇7

  Dear D. A.,

  It's been quite awhile since I've written you a letter. I must say that after all those times we've been apart you're still the one I'm longing for. You see, life has never been the same without you. Every day and every night, I fight this feeling, but try as I might, I can't win. It seems like you've captured my heart and my heart won't be able to escape from your grasp. Every morning when the sun goes out to shine, I flash a smile but deep inside, I feel so sad and lonely and all I'm thinking is that I need you here and now.

  I have regrets - regrets of why I let you go. But the sad fact is that you never tried or attempted to straighten things out between us. You never tried to fight for our love. Maybe because you never really loved me at all. And it pained me the most to know that you can envision your life without me. Where have gone all those promises you once said? I guess promises are really made to be broken. You made me believe that. And so, the best thing to do right now would be to miss you ... no more, no less. I just pray that somehow this heart of mine would learn to be contented - contented to be just missing you.

  Love always,


英语情书 篇8

  Dear G.J.P.,

  Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I can't stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. As much as I try to pretend, the truth is, I can't stop loving you. I don't know how to stop.

  I will cherish the moments we have spent together, from our very first kiss to our last. I miss the way you kiss me, the way you look at me and rub my face, I miss you calling me Ms. Maynard (because you know it gets on my nerves), I miss you missing me, I miss everything about you, I miss our phone conversations and the way we would spend hours talking about our countries and the way we grew up. But most of all I miss my best friend.

  I will place the moments we've shared together in a time capsule and hide it in the most secret place of my heart. And maybe 20 years from now, if or when we meet again, maybe then we can both open the capsule together and be reminded of our wonderful friendship.

  Gosh, my life stinks! I mean I finally meet the right guy and he's not available. I'm in love with you but I can't be with you.

  But, I've got to tell you, for the first time in months I can finally smile because although you didn't say much the last time you called I knew you still cared.

  You can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself why ... why do I feel this way? Why can't I stop loving you? Then it dawned on me ... you put voodoo on me! Just kidding.

  Before I go I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and like I've said many times before, I do not regret anything we've done. The only thing I regret is you telling me you love me because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulders.

  Please don't be scared, I want nothing but your friendship, well ... I do want more but I am willing to settle. I am not trying to make you feel bad or push you further away. I am just trying to make you understand what's in my heart.

  I love you with all my heart ... and I will always love you, G.J.P.

  Love always,


英语情书 篇9

  Your practical jokes

  I was deliberately move

  Because I want to see your smile




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