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个人评价英文版 篇1

   is rich in professional knowledge, with solid foundation and practical ability. He is able to put forward his own views in his field. Hes honest, cheerful, hard-working and pragmatic, bearing a strong adaptability and teamwork capabilities. Hes also a person full of responsibility, sense of justice, and sence of collective, eager to do volunteering work for the public. is able to put the interests of the whole above everything else, willing to suordinate himself to the collective interests, with the spirit of dedication.

个人评价英文版 篇2

  I am fine style, others with sincerity, good personal relations, doing things calm and steady, reasonable overall arrangement can live in the transaction.

  Have strong logical way of thinking about things serious and responsible, able to endure hardship involved, have a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit; confident, optimistic, with a certain sense of innovation.


  ★ it received formal education, with better quality, willing to learn and progress during the company has accumulated some work experience, can efficiently complete the task on time.

  ★ personality stable, mature, honest, helpful, high sense of responsibility.

  ★ work attitude: There is a good spirit of collaboration and teamwork, positive work attitude, work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.

  ★ I'm so patient, self-motivated, willing to endure hardship, strong self-learning ability, can communicate well with others.

  ★ I am easy to learn, integrity, dedication, strong sense of responsibility, have a strong team spirit, positive work seriously, rigorous and responsible.

  ★ cheerful, adaptable, honest, good communication with people, have good interpersonal skills, have relevant expertise and seriously. Careful, patient work attitude and good work ethic.

  ★ believe team spirit of my job seriously, as long as I can do, I can do it best, I can not do the things I will do everything I can do it better.

  ★ honest man, active and serious work

  ★ quick thinking, proactive, hard working

  ★ strong adaptability and self-learning ability, strong management, organizational skills and social skills

  ★ my weakness is human too simple, lack of social experience, but my strong ability to learn, I will in the shortest possible time to get into the best condition.

  ★ upright style, strong sense of responsibility.

  ★ sincere communication, listen carefully, others with sincerity.

  ★ love of learning, hard thinking, good to consider the issue from many angles, analysis and processing problems.

  ★ ability to take over new things, approachable.

  ★ sociable, good at thinking, consciously obey the rules of the organization and arrangements.

个人评价英文版 篇3

  as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil." With this conviction, they will win, because evil always Doubu Guo justice.

  After ten years, J.K.R did not let us down. The darkest, fastest-paced, most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by Dementors. Throughout, doubts must be battled, fears faced, loyalties tested, and grief postponed whilst well-loved characters fall, chapter by chapter, yet there is no time to mourn. Rowling as a narrator has grown up and so has Harry; this no longer feels like a children's story but an epic myth, the echo and inheritor of a centuries-ancient tale told and sung around firesides, full of sound and fury, signifying more than we like to let on - the tug of old archetypes we already know, old tales which still resonate heart-deep, with anyone who has ever wondered who wins, when you pit love against hate, and hope against nihilism. I am sure there will be sneerers and jeerers at the power of the commercial spell cast worldwide and the ringing tills at midnight, the over-familiarity of the children's-story syntax; they are missing the point. The story of all humankind is the story of a story-telling animal and it is only this which distinguishes us from the other mammals, when it comes to the end. We will always be enchanted and enslaved by the telling and re-telling of the same

  story we all, always want to hear, again and again. The ancient magic of light vs. darkness, heroism and struggle, the bloody clash of battles, wrench of secrets painfully revealed; the warrior tested, the torturous night of the soul, the slow learning of the terrible, yet wonderful fact that no-one is alone, and that in the end, help comes, from friends, from strangers, from unexpected sources; from within and without, because of faith, because of courage, because of love. Of how our own humanity saves us, how our weakness is our strength. So this latest incarnation of the old, old tale of the resurrected lost one, the lonely one who is loved, the hero who doubts, the child who is adult, the griever restored, the victim who triumphs, the Boy Who Lived - is deeply satisfying in the way everyone recognises. Anyone who has fallen asleep at the end of a story, with the author's pact satisfied - I will let you frighten, anger, worry and scare me, if you make it all right at the end. If I learn something, and if they live, if not happy ever after, but if they live - will be replete at the ending of this long saga. I prefer to think its enormous sucess is not just because of cyncial hyper-successful marketing. I prefer to think that it is because we all love a story, told well, before we lay down to sleep at the end of a long day.

  Sherlock Holmes, does not need to say you knew.He is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then portrays him is? Is F. Conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), English outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.By "Four Signs", "Return Records", "Terrorist Valley" and so on is world famous. "Sherlock Holmes Detective case Collection" mainly says is - - Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman's descendant, both understands the village the custom, how and understands in the city life.Sherlock Holmes through studied, unceasingly the study unceasingly and practices unceasingly only then enable oneself to have the astonishing spying ability.Therefore, he carries on each kind of spy both logical, and gathers the reason; He to each kind of case explanation and the judgment only then can rationally, only then cause the question which one all hangs also hangs to be easily solved, only then causes an ancestor to confuse the document to restore justice. Not only this book is fascinating by the inside vivid story, the structure falls extends the fluctuation intense, the plot winding, exciting, soul-stirring, causes me to be unable to put down, but also manifested a meaning famous saying - - “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” Sherlock Holmes is a such person. Although he had become famous at that time in England the spying, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.He has specially rented between a small house nearby English Fine arts Museum, the use material and the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the wor

  ld. I thought that,Sherlock Holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth our general young people studying. I like reading this this cause me to profit significantly "Sherlock Holmes Detective case Collection".

个人评价英文版 篇4

  Proficient in linux server, windows server server configuration and management, network security management, sql server database series of operation and management, familiar with c language, c, delphi, java language, Cisco and Ruijie network equipment configuration and maintenance. In November to participate in the national soft test and access to "network engineer" intermediate title.

  I am eager to learn motivated, honest, dedicated, strong sense of responsibility, there is a strong group spirit, serious and positive work, strict and responsible. I am a combination of personality inside and outside, adaptable, honest, have good interpersonal skills, with relevant professional knowledge and seriousness. Attentive, patient work attitude and good professional ethics. I believe the collective spirit of the work of a serious and responsible, always want to do things better!

  Strong self-learning ability, a high degree of responsibility, a strong plasticity, love of work, love life, honest and trustworthy, and people are good, filial piety, caring for others. Not pleased, not to have compassion. In the face of setbacks, convinced: born I will be useful. As long as 1% of the hope, we must pay 100% effort. Sincerely hope that my join for your units to bring considerable benefits.

个人评价英文版 篇5

  William Shakespeare(1564-1616) is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever known. With his 38 plays,154 sonnets and 2 long poems, he has established his giant position in world literature. He has also been given the highest praises by various scholars and critics the world over. In the past four hundred years or so, books and essays on Shakespeare and his works have kept coming out in large quantities.

  Shakekspeare went to London which afforded a wonderful enviroment for the development of drama. Shakespeare worked both as actor and playwright. He acted and wrote for the Lord Chamberlain's Men, which was later renamed the King's Men. Shakespeare established himself so well as a playwright that Robert Greene, one of the “University Wits”, resentfully declared him to be 'an upstart crow'.

  From about 1591 to about 1611, Shakespeare was in the prime of his

  dramatic career and his plays came out one after another. Shakespeare did not confine his genius merely to the theater. In 1593 and 1594, he published two narative poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, both of which

  were dedicated to the Earl of Southampton. He also wrote sonnets, which were published in 1609. By 1597, Shakespeare was so prosperous that he bought the largest house in Stratford, known as New Place. About 1610 Shakespeare left London and retired to Stratford, though he continued to write for some time. He died on April 23,1616.

  As the precise dates of many of Shakespeare's plays are still in doubt,

  critics hold different views to the division of his dramatic career. But generally his dramatic career is divided into four periods.

  The first period of shakespeare's dramatic career was one of apprenticeship. He wrote five history plays:Henry VI,Parts I,II,and III,Richard III, and Titus Andronicus; and four comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, and Love's Labour's Lost.

  In the second period, Shakespeare's style and approach became highly individualized. By constructing a complex pattern between diferent characters and between appearance and reality, Shakespeare made subtle comments on a variety of human foibles. In this Period he wrote five histories:Richard II, King

  John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V, six comedies: A Midsummer

  Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and Two tragedies:Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar.

  Shakespeare's third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies.The tragedies of this period are Hamlet,Othello,King

  Lear,Macbeth,Antony and Cleopatra,Troilus and Cressida,and Coriolanus.The two comedies are All's Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure. The last period of shakespeare's work includes his principle romantic

  tragicomedies:Pericles,Cymbeline,The Winter's Tale and The Tempest;and his two final plays:Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen.

  Shakespeare's greatest tragedies are :Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,and

  Macbeth.(This text is only used for non-commercial purpose.You have to have special permission to reprint this article,reproduction of material without witten permission is strictly prohibited.Contact me for permission to copy this

  article.This article or section may be inaccurate ,hope more experts can make comments on it.

  William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He was born in 1564 in England.

  At school he liked watching plays. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. He married in 1582 and had three children.

  At the age of twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theater company. He became a successful actor and started writing plays. Queen Elizabeth I(伊丽莎白) enjoyed Shakespeare's play.

  In 1599 the company opened the Globe Theatre on the River Thames(泰晤士河) in London. You can go to the River Thames and Globe Theater in London today.

  William Shakespeare died at the age of fifty-two. He was rich and

  successful. You can still see his plays in English and many other languages.

  He is one of the most famous writers in the world.

个人评价英文版 篇6

  Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, England, and moved to St. Albans in 1950. He joined the University of Oxford in 1959. He completed his degree in physics at Oxford University in 1962 and moved to Cambridge University to pursue his graduate studies. Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in 1963. He was admitted to the University of Cambridge as a researcher at the University of Cambridge and Gainesville in 1965. His research showed that the mathematical equations used to explain the collapse of the black hole could be explained by A point begins to swell in the universe. He was married to Jane Wilde, the eldest son of Robert, in 1967. In 1969 he was promoted to a Distinguished Achievement in Science at the Gonville and Keith College, and in 1970, Hawking studied the characteristics of the black hole. He predicted that the radiation from the black hole (now known as Hawking radiation) and the surface area of the black hole will never be reduced.

  The same year his daughter, Lucy, was born, and he began using the wheelchair that year, and in 1973 his first book, "Large Structures of Space Time," was published, and he was elected a member of the Royal Society in 1974. He continued to prove that the black hole Hawking was awarded the Order of Edinburgh of the Royal Astronomical Society of London in 1975-1976, the 11th Medal of the Vatican Pope's Science Society, the Hopkins Prize,

  The United States Denny Heinemann Award, Maxwell Award and the Royal Society of Hughes Medal of six awards in 1977 he was appointed professor of gravity physics at Cambridge University in 1978 by the world's highest award of theoretical physics research EinsteinIn 1979. His second son Timothy was born in 1979. His "General Theory of Relativity: Commemorating the Centenary of Einstein" was published in 1980. He served as Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge University, Lucas in 1981, he participated in the Vatican Cosmology Conference,Announced the concept of borderless and published "super-space and super-gravity." The same year he was awarded the British Empire High Knight .1985 he fell ill in Switzerland, the implementation of tracheostomy surgery to lose their language skills, with a computer with a sound generator. In 1988 he published "A Brief History of Time", won the Wolf Foundation Award, become the most popular book on quantum physics and relativity.

  In 1989 he was awarded the honorary jazz of the British Empire in 1990. He married 25 years in the wife of Jane Wilde divorce .1991 his "time history" the movie of the same name .In 1993 the black hole and the baby universe "And other papers." He was married to his nurse Elaine Mason on September 16, 1995. He continued to work at the University of Cambridge since 1996, and in October 20xx, his masterpiece " Universe "published in July 20xx, Hawking amended his original" black hole paradox "point of view wrong, information should be conserved. In 20xx, Hawking came to China for the third time, he still brought his latest research on cosmology, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Gymnasium hosted a speech entitled "the origin of the universe"; in the Great Hall of the people to Beijing "The Origins of the Universe."

  In 20xx, Hawking and Luigi Goffold co-author of the children's science fiction "George to the secret key to the universe" on September 6, the first published in France. This book is Hawking's first children's book, Hawking in the book to explain their children on the time and cosmic aspects of the doctrine .20xx August 12, he was awarded the Medal of Freedom.

  Second, Stephen William Hawking's research areas:

  Stephen Hawking has been working on the basic laws of the universe, focusing on black holes. Hawking's object is the universe, but he was never interested in observing astronomy, only a few telescopes observed.Compared with the traditional methods of experimentation and observation, Hawking's method is intuitive.

  Along with Roger Penrose, he found that Einstein's general theory of relativity implied that space and time began at the Big Bang and ended at the end of the black hole. These results suggest that it is necessary to combine general relativity with quantum theory, another scientific development in the first half of the twentieth century. One consequence of the combination he discovered was that the black hole should not be completely black, the black hole radiating outwards, eventually evaporating and disappearing. Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge in the time of imagination, it is infinite. This will mean that the way the universe is formed is entirely determined by the laws of science.

  At the same time he is also committed to theoretical physics, together with Penrose to prove the famous singularity theorem, he also proved the black hole area theorem.

  Third, Stephen William Hawking Main achievements: In 1989 he received the honorary title of the British Jazz, became the Royal Society and the United States Academy of Sciences foreign academician; received the London Astronomical Society Edin Dayton Medal; Vatican Pope's Science Society of the 11th Medal ; Johns Hopkins Award; the United States Daniou Heinemann Award; Maxwell Award; the Royal Society of Hughes Medal; in 1978 by the physical world's most prestigious awards - Albert Einstein Award; Rose won the 1988 Wolf Physics Award in 1988; Hawking book "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to the Black Hole" won the Wolf Foundation Award; in 1962 he graduated in Oxford, Cambridge graduate; 1965 In 1973 he was appointed a professor of gravity physics of Cambridge University; in 1979 he was appointed to the University of Cambridge; in 1974, he was appointed the University of Cambridge professor of physics of gravity; In 1988 he published "A brief history of time: from the big bang to the black hole" and won the Wolf Fund (the University of Cambridge), Professor of the University of Cambridge, Professor of mathematics; in 1981 he participated in the Vatican cosmology conference, announced the concept of borderless, Award; in 1989 was awarded the British Empire Honorary Jazz; August 12, 20xx, was awarded the Medal of Freedom

  Fourth, Stephen William Hawking's scientific contribution:

  In 1973, he considered the quantum effect near the black hole and found that the black hole would emit radiation like a blackbody whose radiation temperature was inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, so that the black hole would become smaller and smaller as the radiation,High, it ended in the last minute of the explosion. The discovery of black hole radiation has a very basic meaning, it will gravitational, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics together. 2, after 1974, his research turned to quantum gravity theory. It is proposed that there is no pure state in the quantum gravity, and the causality is destroyed. Therefore, the unknowability is raised from classical statistical physics and quantum statistical physics to the third level of quantum gravity.

  3. After 1980, his interest turned to quantum cosmology.

  4, July 20xx, Hawking amended his original "black hole paradox" point of view, information should be conserved. 5, he also proved the black hole area theorem, that is, with the increase of time black hole area is not reduced. It is natural to associate the area of the black hole with the entropy of the thermodynamics.

  6, he proposed the Big Bang from the singularity of the beginning, the time from the moment, the black hole will eventually evaporate, in the unity of the 20th century, the two basic physics theory - Einstein's theory of relativity and Planck's quantum theory out An important step.

  7, November 1973, Hawking officially announced to the world, black holes continue to radiate X-ray, gamma ray, which is the famous "Hawking radiation"

  8, from the singularity of the Big Bang to the black hole radiation mechanism, Hawking on the development of quantum cosmology made an outstanding contribution. He also wrote many famous theories, such as:

  "A Brief History of Time" is a popular book about the nature of time and the forefront of the universe. It is the most important classics of contemporary scientific thought on the universe. It changes the concept of the universe. Is the undisputed authority of cosmology, it is a sincere and sincere form of private interviews, described Professor Hawking's life history and research work, to show a huge theoretical framework behind the real human. The Hawking Lecture - Black Hole, Infant Cosmos, and others "discusses virtual space, the birth of a baby universe caused by a black hole, and the efforts of scientists to seek a complete unification theory, and to free will, life values and human survival and evolutionary principles Made a unique insight.

  "Shell in the universe" is Professor Hawking following the "brief history of time" after the most important works. He explained in plain language to remind us of the universe fully unfolded imagination, and with his unique enthusiasm, invites us to start an extraordinary journey of time and space.

  "George opened the secret key to the universe" is Stephen Hawking's "children" period "popular science trilogy" one of the book on the black hole and many parts are outlined Hawking's new ideas, the book at home and abroad Rave reviews.

  5, Stephen William Hawking's charisma:

  Hawking's charm is not only because he is a legendary physical genius, but also because he is a compelling life strong. His constant search for the scientific spirit and courageous tenacious personality strength deeply attracted every one know him. He was nearly paralyzed and unable to pronounce, but in 1988 he published "A Brief History of Time," which has sold more than 25 million copies, making it one of the world's best-selling popular science books.

  He was hailed as "the greatest scientist alive," "another Einstein," "a strong life of the letter," "dare to challenge the fate of the people."

  Sixth, my insights:

  Hawking is one of the great men of this century with an international reputation, the most important contemporary general relativity and cosmologists. The most important contemporary general relativity and cosmologist, is one of today's great international reputation, known as the world's greatest scientists, also known as the "king of the universe".Although he was suffering from Lu Gai Lei's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), confined to a wheelchair for 40 years, he was physically disabled,

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  To overcome the cripple and become the international physics supernova.He went beyond the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, the big bang theory into the creation of the universe "geometry dance". His thoughts are excellent to travel to the vast space-time, unlock the mystery of the universe. He suffered ordinary people can not bear the pain, but also created ordinary people can not create a miracle. I admire him, his tenacity, his insistence is worth learning!

个人评价英文版 篇7

  When it came to vampires, we would think of the novel—twilight. The heroine Bella Swan was a general girl at the age of 17-year-old who has poor movement, as well as her skin was too pale just like the sick people. Differently, the hero Edward Cullen was a mysterious male who had the same age with Bella. They all lived in a small town named Forks existed under a near-constant cover of clouds in the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State. He not only has the charming appearance and strong body but also has ability to see through people’s heart. In effect, he came from a vegetarian vampire family. As the time went by, he found that he had already fallen in love with Bella deeply. However, their world still had a lot of difficulties and challenges. The time wheel disk to him is the coagulation, but it is the rapid rotation to her. Even so, they still chose to be together with each other bravely.

  It was true that these novels were very popular among young people. But seldom did we know the author of these novels was Stephenie Meyer who was born in the state of Connecticut which located in the Unit State. In effect, she is a full-time housewife who had three children, as well as she has rarely experience about writing. But why she can make so great achievements in her life? The reason for her success came from many aspects.

  First and foremost, she had a dream one day in 20__ that a lovely girl and a handsome boy were concerning with love and romance on the green, which changed her destiny. After a period of time, she began to writing with passion. She not only needs to take care of her three children under the age of five, but also she insisted on typing by one hand. After 3 months, Meyer successfully completed the Twilight.

  Naturally, that dream eventually became one of the chapters in his first novel—Twilight. Another important reason is that Meyer was crazy about the world famous novels in her childhood and she majored in English literature during her university, with the result that she had profound knowledge of English language and literature. Last but not least, the time she lived is full of soft hearted affectionately. His family believed with Mormonism faith, so she did. To a great extent, all above special backgrounds became the source power of her writing.

个人评价英文版 篇8

  Tagore is most eager to express the inner struggle of Goda experience, and ultimately to the religious philosophy of the "one", because the pursuit of harmony and unity is Tagore's highest ideals. )

  Originally, in the blood, he and Hinduism without any contact, he has been burdened by the traditional burden is purely an illusory bubble. If the first two opportunities also make it difficult for him from the custom and individual in the complete liberation, and even into deeper doubts, contradictions and pain, then, this time the opportunity to make him completely free. He was finally able to face the truth with a frank heart, embracing the infinite self. "I've been trying my best to understand India for so long," he said, "but I have been trying to turn these obstacles into believers and work for this day and night. A flawless India, in order to put their faith completely preserved in her indestructible fortress, how hard I had to struggle! But today, my fantasy fortress, like a mirage, instantly disappeared without a shadow And after I was completely free, I suddenly found myself standing in the immense reality, and my heart felt all India's good and evil, bitterness and joy, wisdom and foolishness, and now I really have the right to her Service, because the real workplace has been demonstrated in front of me, this is not my fantasy out of it - this is 200 million Indian children seeking the real place of happiness.

  At this point, Golas from small to large I character development process completely presented in front of the reader, the individual also ended. At this time, the reader's mind will emerge out of a selfless, committed to the unity of India, to build an independent, free, happy India selfless work of the perfect image. Completely free after the Gora, there is no spiritual world of caste, sects and ethnic groups, not even the boundaries of the country. His Irish descent made his work beyond the scope of the state, and had the meaning of internationalism. He fought not only the country, the nation, but the truth, justice and humanity. When he is free after the free state of mind, universal brahma to look at the world of human society, the natural world will not be tired of the bitter music, thus entering a love, sincerity, tolerance and music realm. This is the realm of the work of Anna Damai, Palmer.

个人评价英文版 篇9

  "New Deal" just launched, it caused widespread concern in American society from top to bottom, different political groups to give it a different evaluation. Roosevelt's strong opponent, the newspaper king Hearst, said the New Deal was a crude deal; it was not Soak the Rich, but Soak the Successful. John Goodwin, the famous American journalist and writer, said he had heard the best definition of the "New Deal": "It is an attempt by some gutless liberals to save capitalism for the distraught capitalists."There was also a condemnation of the "New Deal" as a fascist fascination of liberalism.

  American economists have two views on the "New Deal", one that the "New Deal" in encouraging the confidence of private enterprises without success, the basic conditions for the success of the capitalist order is to encourage entrepreneurial spirit entrepreneurs, and the induction of this spirit will need Stimulus and compensation, "New Deal" some measures is to suppress this spirit. The other group was Keynes and his followers, or half-followers, who argued that Roosevelt was not doing enough to make the national economy on the path of rejuvenation only if it really implemented a bold deficit-raising policy.

  From Roosevelt's "New Deal" as the program for the presidency, to the "New Deal" throughout the implementation process, the United States has its two extremes of evaluation: a Roosevelt "New Deal" abandoned the American tradition, the most valuable liberalism Economic model, a socialist country like a "planned economy", many conservatives (such as former President Hoover) fear Roosevelt will banks, railways and other important national economic sector nationalization, and ultimately the United States onto politics The other is more radical point of view that Roosevelt's reform is not thorough enough radical people initially Roosevelt have great expectations, they hope that through the "New Deal", Roosevelt can not only solve the current crisis in the United States, But also to solve such as class, poverty, race and other deep-seated problems of American society.

  It can be seen that the evaluation of Roosevelt's New Deal in the United States focused on the success of its intervention in the US economy, first, whether it was conducive to the political democratization of the United States.

个人评价英文版 篇10

  Speaking of Van Gogh, people regarded him as a crazy genius, he completely by intuition, to find a way, the inner emotional outbreak on the canvas. His life is incredible story, his father said he was eccentric, friends said he could not live with a room, even the most intimate brother also do nothing for him. He has talent, but because of too crazy and pale; his sincere feelings, but because of no disguise of sincerity was as mental disorders; his art has a persistent and fanatical pursuit, but because of his weird style and not be accepted . Until after death, only some of his talent greatly appreciated, this is Van Gogh's unfortunate, it is human sorrow.

  Van Gogh, the full name of Vincent Van Gogh, March 30, 1853 was born in Brabant in the north of the Netherlands, a small village called Flotte Gundt.His father Duolidisi · Van Gogh is a honest honest, benevolent love of Calvin sect pastor; mother Anna · Kornilia · Carpentus beautiful and kind, came from a prominent family in The Hague. Many of Van Gogh's patrilineal families were engaged in painting-related work, and his three uncles were famous painters. It should be recognized that the loving parents and the fine arts received from childhood are important influences on Van Gogh's good conduct and the formation of artistic sensitivity.

  Van Gogh almost no formal training in any painting. To get the canvas, oil painting and painting tools to run around day after day, the spirit is also constantly in a state of contradiction, the pursuit of artistic perfection and under pressure, even if he is not the direct cause of illness later, but also to his Life tragedy planted seeds. Van Gogh is interested in the reproduction of the real emotion, that is, he is to express his feelings of things, not the visual image he saw. Van Gogh classified his work as a different type from that of the impressionist painter: "In order to express myself more forcefully, I am more free to use colors." In fact, not only is color, , Shape and proportion are also changed shape, in order to show the world between a very painful but very real relationship. Van Gogh is a true sense of the artist, which is also known as the performance of the artists shared the characteristics. Van Gogh, when it comes to his creation, sums up this feeling: "For it, I take my life to risk; because of it, half of my intellect crashes;

  Van Gogh's passion, from the world in which he lives, from the people he knew people do not contain the strong reaction. Van Gogh's work is ahead of him far beyond the pace of the times, highly avant-garde, forward-looking. But it is a great sorrow for the painter himself, he painted with modern consciousness, the same need to have a modern appreciation of taste and aesthetic ability of people to see painting, painting. However, "acquaintance all over the world, friends can be a few people" This is really a sad untimely. Van Gogh life poverty, the only appreciation of his work is his brother - Theo. Theo is Van Gogh's supporter of life, not only from the spirit, but also in the material Van Gogh gave a great help. It is Theo became a painter in the material and spiritual hope and pillars, so that painters and pain in the pain of the double torture to continue to adhere to the painting until the end of their lives. The most touching is Van Gogh after the death of six months, Theo is also sad over the death! It was said that Theo is Van Gogh and live in the Theo died after they buried them in Orville.

  Van Gogh's emotional performance does not exclude the role of rational thinking on the creation, he wrote in a letter: "Do not think I am willing to work hard to make themselves into a mad state.On the contrary, remember that I Attracted by a complicated calculus that led to the rapid creation of a fast-moving painting, but which were carefully calculated in advance. "Van Gogh's creation is a grooming, a rallying, The resulting form of creation, showing the intense process of emotional generation, rather than just the emotional state of mind and description.

  Aristotle said: genius figures are different from ordinary people. Great writers and writers are often great lunatics. We can not speculate on the painter's muzzle at the moment of what his mind, perhaps he thought of his life failed emotional life, but at least there is his brother Theo affection he was pleased; perhaps he thought of his life Art exploration in the misfortune, but at least he left behind 850 paintings and 800 drawings to wait for a hundred years after the people know and interpret; perhaps he never thought to buckle the trigger, for him, "Life is pain", death is relief.

  This genius is rare, even in the liberal arts of Western countries, is still not understood, let alone in China's education system. Our ancestors have been away from us, and we are still alive without fear ""

个人评价英文版 篇11

  fluent in oral english , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; speaking authentic mandarin-chinese.


个人评价英文版 篇12

  My name is . I'm years old. I graduated last year. My major is Hotel Management. I am now familiar with hotel management. Since my internship, I have worked in multiple departments. I have worked as a room clerk a year since my graduation, so I'm quite familiar with the Opera system and have accumulated some experience in room management. I love surfing the internet in my spare time and as well as shopping and sports.

  I hope I have a good chance to grow with your hotel if I could join you.

个人评价英文版 篇13

  British emphasis on education, not only in the UK gathered in the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, and there are some new and most innovative institutions. Education is a permanent topic of discussion ... Education is not only a matter of repeated thinking for the teacher, but also to parents and students to pay more attention. Britain is a country with a long tradition of education. Its education system after several hundred years of evolution, quite perfect and complex, and has a very large flexibility. In general, it is divided into three stages: compulsory education, continuing education and higher education.

  British people generally believe that the spoil of children and spoiled children is the biggest obstacle to the formation of independent character.To enable children to adapt to the needs of society in the future, to live independently, work, must be small to develop their ability to live independently, so that they learn to respect others and self-restraint, aware of their behavior responsible. If the child can not adapt to society in the future as other people, as parents can not fulfill the responsibility of education.

  British schools in the moral education is not called moral education, and called "personal social health education", or "social process", the British schools generally do not have a special moral education course, but the creation of including Buddhism and Taoism, including A variety of the world's major religious beliefs for the elective. This course is considered a child's moral and conscience is very important to cultivate a course. . The purpose is to let them know the basic truth of ordinary life, how to integrate into society self-discipline, as part of society. Core moral values are four: respect for life, fair, honest and trustworthy.

  The British also have the notion that "morality is infected, not taught." It is reflected in the British primary and secondary school moral education, that is, do not require children to memorize moral norms, but requires children from the depths of the heart, from daily life to understand and understand the ethics.

  The family is the cradle of child growth. In the UK family, absolutely do not see the children of no reason to spoil, the wrong child will be corrected or even punished. Parents tend to respect the child's independent personality under the premise of strict control of the children, so that they understand that their behavior is not without marginal, can not do whatever they want.British law clearly stipulates that parents allow their children to corporal punishment, so far many schools still retain the rules of corporal punishment of students.

  Chinese university lecturers more dedicated, always pay close attention to the classroom 90 minutes continuously instill new knowledge, as Chinese students are also more difficult, every day to digest a lot of information.Students from China's higher education institutions often have deep and solid theoretical foundation, because in China to learn more, the final results are usually determined by the final exam. In the UK, before the start of each course, the instructor will explain the time required to master this course, generally 100 hours per course, of which 70 hours are left to the students to read and study by themselves.

  Usually in the classroom, the teacher will send their own printed information, but the coverage of knowledge is relatively small, so in the first lesson, the teacher will recommend students to buy or borrow some of the relevant books, and foreign students from small Education is based on knowledge, practical ability is also very strong.

  "In the UK, high school, the teacher will each student as the best students, insist that every student has a bright spot." Students said: "In the UK high school, sports is the main course, mathematics is "In fact, in the final analysis, the domestic education is mainly mainly in the examination, the first test; in the UK is not, the students of the comprehensive development is the more important.

  UK 9 am classes, 50 minutes each, after 4 pm is the student's free time.Such a teaching arrangement for many people mistakenly think that the British students learning is easy, its

  It is true that each course in the UK is composed of two parts, the report or the paper accounted for part of the final exam accounted for another part of the completion of either of the two will affect the final outcome of a single subject. In foreign countries, write a paper is very particular about, citing the point of view of others must be marked on the source and author, or to identify cheating, cheating in foreign countries may be to court, very serious.

  Foreign attention to teamwork, most of the work is done in the case of the team, especially in the UK business. They like a group of different cultural backgrounds, different ideas, so contact with more culture will undoubtedly be very popular in the UK, of course, the premise of teamwork is not hindered by language, English is quite good. Teamwork inside, you will find foreign students to speak and write ability is very strong, which is completely inferior to the Chinese students, the individual may think that Chinese students in the test scores on the edge, but the capacity is still better than the British students , Which is the gap between China's education, foreign education is the ability to train.

  We can not critically say that China's education is good or the UK's education is good, perhaps in some aspects of China's education is not so targeted in the United Kingdom, but in some respects Chinese education is still very worthy of our trust. In the face of British education we should do is to take its essence to its dregs, a selective reference is desirable, such as "moral is infected, rather than being taught," this view is worthy of our thinking, and capacity-building Focus on the combination of theory and practice, as well as the affirmation of the students, for the domestic "to take the test scores as a student to assess whether the only standard of excellence," this approach is not acceptable to all students, I believe most students will More like the evaluation criteria abroad, it is not so absolute.

个人评价英文版 篇14

  Proficient in Java SE and Java EE technology, including Servlet / JSp, Applet, JDBC, EJB, Web Service and so on. Master of object-oriented analysis and design techniques, including design patterns. Can integrate enterprise management concepts, business processes, basic data, human and material resources, computer hardware and software and many other enterprise resources, and application ERp system for enterprise resource management.

  Familiar with the installation and maintenance of the software Familiar with the computer hardware assembly and maintenance, familiar with windows, xp, sever operating system installation and configuration and maintenance of a good foundation of computer knowledge and network technology, network equipment, LAN and networking technology have a certain understanding There are network security, network management and network maintenance of the basics. Understand the construction of the site familiar with the site editor and management to understand the optimization of the site know how to promote the site and site security. Understand the general network security software installation and use.

  I kind, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-motivated, have a strong organizational and management capacity. Work conscientiously and responsibly, have the courage to take on tasks and responsibilities, be able to quickly accept new knowledge and quickly adapt to the new environment, have a good team spirit with good personal affinity. Good overall quality, with the conditions of compound talents.

个人评价英文版 篇15

  “The most successful person in the world is not the talented

  person, but the person who can stand loneliness.” the sentence is a hit on the internet. And I think it can describe Kobe Bryant if changed a little, for Kobe is a talented person and he also can stand loneliness. He is the hero in my mind.

  His father Joseph Bryant was a professional basketball player and Kobe was born with that genius .After Kobe became a professional basketball player ,he really achieved a lot, he has got the NBA

  championship 4 times. He was the most valuable player in Finals in the year 20xx and 20xx ,the most valuable player in 20xx.He also has got the MVP in the All Star game for 3 times. All these can prove his talent.

  There are thousands of reasons to love Kobe, but beyond all these reasons is his sprit of never giving up. Life is full of difficulties. There are two kinds of attitudes toward the bars .Most of people will choice to avoid the bars and only a few of them will go straight towards the difficulty. Kobe is one of the small parts. As we know, the professional players will always be injured in competitions. Some of them will rest and not attend the later competition .On the contrary, Kobe will always takes part in the competition with his broken finger , broken knee and his broken back and never complain a word. He can do that on account of having a wining heart. Sometimes he has bad

  performance, and soon the media will criticize him .When facing that, Kobe usually keeps silent and uses his efforts and best performance to fight against the criticism. In that way, he stands the loneliness and all the bars in his life.

  All in all, he is really a great man, a true hero. Now the new season is in the process. Let us witness his new brilliance.

个人评价英文版 篇16

  Nelson Mandel is a former President of South Africa, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, 1994–1999. Before his presidency, Mandela mitted prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela supported reconciliation and negotiation, and helped lead the transition tomunity as and national equality for three centuries, and finally gained the poent, Mandela, standing at the microphone, published his stirring human hearts inaugural address.

  The speech successfully set a emotional tone e the past,South Africa restored dignity, but racial barriers and the same racial discriminations cannot be immediately eliminated. Feelings of South Africa’ people plex. The itted the contradictory procedure but stressed the results, being cautious and politely telling the desire of reconciliation, e a ing of the 20xx World Cup, she e better and better!

个人评价英文版 篇17

  Vincent van Gogh, a think of it to contact his piece of fanatical sunflower painter, Van Gogh read. I have never studied his paintings carefully, and have always had a feeling of sympathy for his talented and abjectionist artists. Today, finally the Owen Stone's "desire to live" Van Gogh read, from a new perspective to know him, and changed his sympathy that attitude, for the respect and look up. With tears, you want to record something. Tears not because of his miserable life, or the poor end, but because moved, an extraordinary vitality of the move. A kind of love of life and moved to tears.

  His life in the wandering through, he did not have a home, in addition to his brother Theo outside the exclusion of their loved ones. There is no source of income, and only the Theo, the selfless love of his brother, from the initial month to send him 50 francs to 150 francs a month later, Theo's life with his brother did not separate from such a Relation. In the van Gogh six months after the death of a few days before and after, Theo also went to accompany his brother. Van Gogh to painting around wandering, whether it is the first gray Bo Nina, or find the direction of the art of Niuenan, he is four people who suffered supercilious. In the earthly life, he is not good at, too simple, he does not follow the rules of life in the world, in the art of the road he took to heaven, but in life he has been in hell (with our ordinary people's eyes ). No matter what kind of suffering, no penny hungry for ten days, more than a fever, or painting all day and was considered a madman, he can bear, and finally let him go to the path of self-destruction is art Inspiration of failure, after reading "Van Gogh after reading." Although living in the most difficult of the earth, he has never felt so hard, as long as he can draw, he can draw, he is very happy. Finally, because of schizophrenic torture, leading to his inspiration failure, and then shot himself, it did not make people feel dark, but that he longed for the power of life has always existed. But he himself and nature become one.

  In his work, he has always wanted to express his thoughts, his love of life, worship of nature. Flashing stars "Starry Night", publicity Sunflower "Sunflower" is probably our picture books in the textbook is not unfamiliar to some of the paintings, which stars were swirling rotating stars, is full of shining power of light, dazzling yellow Sunflower is a hand to the sky longing for life. I could not express Van Gogh's painting intentions in such a messy way, but I would like to copy the manifesto at the Impressionist meeting to promote him and his fine artistic expression:

  We see the character is more important than the ugly. To see the pain is more important than the beautiful, naked to see the harsh reality of all the wealth is more important than France.

  We accept life in its entirety, without any moral judgment. We consider prostitutes and countesss, gatekeepers and generals, peasants, and cabinet ministers alike, because they all meet the requirements of nature and are part of life.

  As Van Gogh's first friend of a painter said, the talent needed to nourish the pain of art. Perhaps it is because of poverty in life, inequality, only to create his relentless pursuit of artistic expression of the road. His love of life will never give up, until the spirit of schizophrenic torture to disappear.

  As a kind of high above the emotion, I moved to Van Gogh's love of life, the art of fanaticism. This alone, superficially finished reading after feeling, in order to commemorate this artificially born soul.

个人评价英文版 篇18

  In order to implement the Ministry of Education and the four headquarters "on strengthening the national defense military training and training of the implementation of the views of the implementation of the work," PeiPingShi officer led us to August 10, 20xx to August 30 in the air force of a regiment with a soldier work out. 20 days of "military training" so I have a grass-roots level, to understand the situation of officers and men, to experience the soldiers life opportunities. I not only increased knowledge, rich experience, and re-understanding of the self, for the future into the army laid a solid foundation.

  First, the ideological and political aspects. In the absence of internships before the troops know little about the firm idea of some of the army can not be stable, worried about their fitness suited to the troops, can develop good, with the monitor, non-commissioned officers of the exchange, and their own during this time to see The news, to dispel my concerns, more determined to root the roots of my base camp of faith. As a national defense student, a republic of the paramilitary officers, to keep in mind the party and the people's expectations, not afraid of hardship, to achieve the motherland's strong military dream and life.

  Second, the quality of military and political aspects. Through the comparison with the grassroots officers and men, I think I still need to strengthen the quality of military and physical strength is a piece of our short board. Because there is no strict requirements before, during school did not strengthen their physical training, making themselves and the company there is a big gap between the officers and men. In later life, I should be strict with oneself, insist on physical training, so that their physical level has a big increase. In terms of psychological quality, I feel some impetuous, do what are feathery. For example, in the company cleaning, production of labor when they are always calm down to do things down. In the future life, I will continue to hone their own, so that they can threw himself into the work of learning.

  Third, the work style. Because the local university life has been learning, and less contact with the troops, while their own requirements are not strict enough, leading to their own style of loose. When I first came to feel particularly suited to the company, daily routine and completely different, there are many feel cumbersome rules and regulations. I also recognize their lack of these areas, so I humbly ask the officers and men, with their help in my style has been significantly improved, I phase

  This will bring great benefits to my future development.

  20 days of "military training" Although the time is very short, but I followed the deep friendship of the officers and men, as the lyrics written in the "war friendship and love to really express". During this time, I would like to thank the officers and men of the company for their care, as well as the leadership of the selection of training my concern. Through this military training I realized that their own shortcomings, but also correct their own direction of life, I will be strict demands on themselves, and constantly narrow their own

  Lattice of the gap between the officers, after graduation better qualified for their own work and make unremitting efforts.

个人评价英文版 篇19

  Mandela is a totem-style figure, and Martin Luther King, with extraordinary personal charm, with a firm political ideals. As a politician, there is no ideal not, but the ideal is not enough light. He is a good leader, but not a good leader.

  Mandela as South Africa's "father" and "saint", and not eager to the presidency, he must be a president, this is a sign, but also very fun not re-elected. Since 1999, South Africa has entered the "post-Mandela era", many countries around the world, have also experienced a similar period.Countries have experienced their own transition period, and may even lead to civil war, these are the strong historical assets of the negative process of liquidation. As with Mandela, "reverse discrimination" is one of them. No one is perfect, we have no reason to ask Mandela is a perfect person.

  There is still a long way to go to achieve true racial reconciliation.Mandela's contribution is to portray the right outlook for South Africa's future, point out a clear direction, and gain broad political acceptance. In this way, despite the various problems now facing South African politics, it can still be expected that the "buffer period" after the current situation in South Africa will be improved.

  In international politics, although the reality is always ruthless, we still have no reason to abandon the yearning for the good things of equality, freedom and peace. It is too early for a new country, unstable and only twenty years old, to come to a conclusion. The general social problems of black administration, including the prevailing conditions in Africa, war, AIDS,

  Economic backwardness, the future will not be improved, whether out of this vicious circle, I do not know. But I believe that this is because the economy, the reasons behind education, but not because of race.

  Desire civilized happiness, you have to suffer the pain of civilization, this is for the future happiness. In fact, some time, I will feel racism is an unsolvable problem, but often see there are a lot of people in this effort, put away the idea. Mandela has left many beautiful things for human society. The slogan "Let the land be high or low, regardless of you and me" is the result of his struggle for more people to accept it. Vested interests to accept. Is such a person, so that the rules of the world cold, shining from the glory of human nature.

  The reason why people are, is the pursuit, longing for good things, even at the expense of their own interests. Mandela's life merits, left to future generations comment. But ask yourself what Mandela has done in his life, a firm pursuit of ideals, and ask who can do it? Mandela's greatness is that he is a determined fighter, and always confident to change the future. In his body, the power of human nature than any other. His pursuit, also won the universal recognition of human society, whether black or white.

  It is such a person's existence, the world is worthy of our nostalgia. Those history, it is worth to move us. The controversy over Mandela will not end, he wrong place, to reflect on, the right place to commemorate. He has a variety of problems, we are now commemorating Mandela, is to commemorate his spirit.

个人评价英文版 篇20

  Always can not forget the junior high school when the first contact with the painting, listen to the teacher talk about Van Gogh, art books to see his sunflower, I can not tell where his paintings are good, but his paintings fascinated me, intoxicated. I watched over and over again, perhaps his enthusiasm infected me, I hope I was that sunflower, always toward the sun.

  Later, slowly on Van Gogh has in-depth understanding of his nature of goodness, love life, but in life, repeated setbacks, hard times. He devoted himself to art, boldly innovated and absorbed the experience of Impressionist painters on the basis of extensively studying the painters of Rembrandt and others. He was influenced by Oriental art, especially Japanese prints, and formed his own unique artistic style. Creating a lot filled with life passion, full of humanitarianism works. "Sunflower", "Starry Night" and "The Crows of Wheat Fields" were completed in the last six years of his life, expressing the anguish, sadness, compassion and hope in his heart. Through these works, I can see To a more realistic Van Gogh, a better understanding of the artist's spirit and thought.

  Vincent William van Gogh, born in the Netherlands Zande Tezhen a Protestant pastor family. 24 years old in the Hague, London, Paris and other places of the ancient Piel painting shop clerk, and later became a missionary in the southwest of Belgium Borinat mine mission, sympathy and support for the requirements of poor miners were dismissed. Having spent a period of extreme despair and poverty, he decided to complete the liberation of the self in the search for art. After 1880, he went to school, to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium to the Netherlands landscape painter Anton Moufu painting, but in the end decided to self-study. In 1886 years ago, his works are also in the exploration period, representative of "eat potatoes", "textile workers" and so on. In 1886, Van Gogh went to Paris with his brother, a senior staff member of the Pueblo Painters, and met Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin, Pissarro, Seura and Cezanne, and participated in the Impressionist painters Of the assembly, inspired by the color and nurtured. In February 1888, he accompanied Gauguin, accompanied by Alfresco in southern France, for up to a year. This was the most important period of his artistic style, with the strong sunshine of the South and the towns, fields, flowers, rivers, farmhouses and churches that the sun shone, making him shout again and again: "Bright, Some! "But after the two disagrees, Gauguin left, Van Gogh's spirit began to split. Van Gogh on December 23, 1888 after the onset, the condition is good and bad, when the light weight, again and again admitted to the hospital. In May 1889, he was sent to the Saint-Rémi neurological hospital, one kilometer away from Al, and became an out-and-out mental patient. But at this time, a miracle, Van Gogh's painting actually leaps and bounds, the rapid formation of style. However, the cost of this miracle is a soul self-immolation. In 1890, after a long-term hospitalization in the psychiatric hospital in Saint-Remy, the van Gogh returned to Paris, living in Orwell, on the banks of the Oise, where he was treated by Dr. Ghassé. Diligent painting, as a "portrait of Dr. Garcia", "Orwell's Church" and so on.However, on October 27, 1890, after a quarrel with Dr. Ghassé, Van Gogh shot himself in the wheat fields and ended his life.

  Van Gogh's life left a rich work, until after the death of gradually been recognized by people. The writers of these works highlight the pursuit of self-spiritual performance, all in the form of intense mental domination jump and twist. This art on the 20th century expressionism is very deep, especially Sautin and German performance painter, from Van Gogh's work draws a lot of important principles. He was the greatest Dutch painter with worldwide influence after Rembrandt. However, when he was still alive, a total of only sold a painting.

  Van Gogh brings classic works, people first thought is often "sunflower." It is Van Gogh in the bright sunny southern France made, is now hidden in the London National Gallery. On the screen that seems to be flowing from the heart of the golden wanton rendering, simple pottery vases, rough table cloth, layers of sunlight intertwined into the background, in the table cloth on the moving glow halo; full of vigor and vitality 9 sunflower in full bloom season, the disk is not fully exposed, even with a delicate green, while the other several flowers sunflower is old, mature and even about to decadent, incomplete petals, branches stiff and twisted tilt. This seems to imply a certain fate, although the strong sun bathing, sunflower can not escape the fate of the old decadent, as if everything is so short glory, the world can not be anything like the eternal light of the sun, short seems to be all things Of the fate. Van Gogh, however, imposes all the backgrounds, air, vases and tablecloths on the sun's golden yellow. When he finishes the transfer of paint from the palette to the canvas, he should have seen that the entire studio has been illuminated by the dazzling golden color of his face, his solemn expression , His spiritual world. In Van Gogh's pen, the flaming sunflower, not just plants, but with the original impulses and passionate life, they are more wild to show the artist's passionate desire for life and tenacious pursuit of catharsis Painter's enjoyment of life experience and permanent excitement.

  Van Gogh, another representative works "Starry Night", painted in June 1890, is now hidden in the New York Museum of Modern Art. "Starry Night" presents two lines of style, one is bent long, one broken short. Interaction between the two, so that the screen showing a dazzling fantasy scene. This is clearly out of reality, purely Van Gogh's own imagination. In composition, the riotous sky contrasts with the peaceful village. Cypress and horizontal mountains, the sky to achieve a visual balance. Dark dragon cypress witch as waving, the vortex-like nebula, the rotation of the size of the stars, and even the crescent are in rapid rotation. The rushing flow of the kind of fate is like the flow of life, everything is turbulent, crumbling. And the steeple of the church seemed so slim and helpless, its spire was almost drowned by the vortex of the night sky. Van Gogh's world is so fragile and helpless, and he fell into a vortex can not get rid of. The paintings are painted in blue and green in color, and the artist's movement is characterized by continuous, wave-like strokes of nebulae and trees. In his writing, nebulae and trees are like a ball of fire burning fiercely. , With a strong expressive force, left a deep impression.

  Van Gogh wrote to his brother Dior in the letter "staring at the bright stars, I always could not help but imagination

  Pina ... ... I can not help but ask myself, why the bright spots in the night sky can not be as black as the French map on the map so easy to reach it?We can get to Trusken or to Rouen by train, and to death there is a death journey. "Van Gogh's whirling stars seem to us to be just But for the Van Gogh, the death is not a disaster, but to the tunnel of heaven, is a kind of spirit of the liberation of Van Gogh, the death of Van Gogh, The last painting, "The Crows of Wheat Fields," is the last realistic and frightening portrayal of his life, and a testament to the stinging images he has left to the world, a disturbing picture: Three of the fork road cut into two equal parts of the wheat, the leftmost road almost presents a border state, in the middle of a road to infinite reverie S-shaped to the far, the end of the road is a confused and gloomy, next to the road Is full of respect for the green grass, another road to the right suddenly deviated and disappeared.It is like a person holding his arms, lying down, shoulders holding a harvest of wheat fields.The kind of exciting and comfort gold, As if the sun shines in the sanctuary, it ignited the joy of a person's heart, but at this time, the sky is disturbed by clouds covered, to be exact, it is a group of flying shadow, it is a group Crows, pure black crows and distant haze as if the black witch of the witch, like cover less and less sunshine and wheat fields of light.It is a contradictory mood, is a deep vaguely Fear .This is the brink of death before Van Gogh's world, his eyes of the world is divided into two colors, one is exciting golden yellow, it is his dedication to the spirit of the sun color, the other is His fear of the shadow and disappointment, he lost the final confidence in the world, his mind was cut so disintegrated, a wheat field so fall, a piece of sunshine and thus broken.

  Van Gogh to his own life as a bet to paint, like a thorn bird with the soul and blood to write the final chapter of life. In this painting must express Van Gogh's "sadness and extreme loneliness", his outcome seems to have long been doomed. Then, in Orville, in the summer of July, he pulled his trigger towards his chest, and at the moment of his fall, his soul was upon the eternal golden earth, and the frenzied genius painter was at last free.

  I would like to pay tribute to the artists I love the most, Van Gogh ups and downs of life, especially in the last years of life, his spiritual world has been completely broken. As the sea, the storm, the ups and downs, not much smooth land. But in contrast, it is his love of art. In the face of irresistible disease, he said: "There is no beauty in the end, there is no use, it is doubtful. But how do? Some people even mental disorders, but still love nature and life , Because he is a painter! "" The face of a destroyed me, so I am afraid of the disease and my faith will not be shaken! "However, such a painting is paranoid belief in the" madman ", with its short Life to us to depict his love of life and the pursuit of life, tell of his passion and ideals, to our lives add eternal color.

个人评价英文版 篇21

  strong perception intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.

  Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.

  Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.

  Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.

  Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.

个人评价英文版 篇22

  Bill Gates biography, a record of great people legendary experience of the book, is really worth seeing, a computer genius, a studious but not abide by the rules of the game characters, a dare to dare, consciousness ahead of the guy, one to one To help the elite can be united in one, to the hearts of the Microsoft Empire dominated the world occupation of the high-end market business leaders, a successful business owners, one of the world's richest but most generous people, this is my mind For Bill Gates, the world's richest man's impression.

  Bill Gates was born in a family of lawyers and teachers, so childhood was a very good education, his partners are very admire his childhood talent and the wisdom of speaking, they say Bill Gates as an adult people. Bill Gates was so interested in computers that he later decided to set up a company with his friend Paul.

  The turning point of his life is after graduating from primary school, came to Seattle private school Lakeside Middle School, of course, Lakeside high school, tuition is very expensive, $ 5,000 per semester, the school also attaches great importance to students with special abilities to encourage students to develop their hobbies and interests, The school is only 300 students, but this school is the first computer school courses in the United States, when the United States committed to the spacecraft on the moon, the community there is a surge in technology, Lakeside Middle School was the first to make wise decisions to introduce computer. It is this decision that has made this development in society now. Bill Gates in the lake middle school shows his talent with the computer, although the class will doze, usually do not have top-notch academic, but this does not stop him to explore the mysteries of the computer, where he laid the foundation for aspirations to the world, also led to Microsoft The ultimate birth of the empire. After graduating from high school, entered the Harvard legal profession, but not interested in it, still a soft spot for the computer, and dissatisfaction with the Harvard system, two years later, with the support of friends, he fired the Harvard squid.

  Bill Gates succeeded in persuading his father and mother, and in the United States more desolate New Mexico established the Microsoft Corporation. Here, they have compiled a microcomputer with the real useless BASIC software. BASIC software has brought a lot of wealth to Microsoft, but the software industry is a fast-growing industry, Microsoft has gradually fallen behind, at this time, Bill and his team did not flinch, they moved the company to the research environment Good Seattle. In 1980, Microsoft was the largest computer hardware company IBM's praise, and IBM's cooperation, so that Microsoft's rapid, defeated Apple. Later, Microsoft also developed WINDOWS Windows and the Internet, Bill became the software market emperor. Microsoft's revenue in 20xx reached 51.12 billion US dollars, Bill changed the world, has become synonymous with the world's richest man.

  Gates can become a software overlord, smart is not the first, he did not want to put the second ambition is the real driving force for success, imagine there is such domineering, the world who can compete with it?

  A good business unit, is everyone wants to enter, because it can give you is a rich salary of materials, to give you a better life protection.But all the material is accumulated and created by the predecessors, you do not haveGates's "Ten Principles of Good Employee", Bill Gates answered us with his experience. First of all, you must love the enterprise, and self-enterprise products of interest, if even its people are not interested, you expect your products will produce a sensation in the market? Only you actively love it, you can find it Advantages, keep the missionary-like enthusiasm to promote your product, impress your customers, you can find it's shortcomings, you can make improvements to the views of the relevant departments, so that products will continue to improve, enterprises willMore thriving!

  In the book also illustrates the importance of responsibility. "People can not great, but not without responsibility", a responsible staff can be regarded as truly excellent staff!

  Bill Gates is the world's richest man, is a well-known legendary figure, his success has attracted worldwide attention, as teen idols. Bill Gates is not only of concern to his wealth, more importantly, his achievements in the cause of his legendary entrepreneurial experience and process. The author from the success of the perspective of the analysis of Bill Gates's success, the introduction of 11 guidelines to guide us to learn, to think. In this book is to succeed in the end, there are many incisive expositions and aphorisms, aphorisms, I learn from the following points:

  First, adhere to the only way to success.

  "Success is a measure of the value of life ruler, it is the need for human self-realization" Success is a state of life. So the success of all people to pursue and longing for the goal; However, to determine the goal is not easy, easy to achieve. Bill Gates also said, "fate is always full of elusive variables," to achieve the goal of success is a process, in this process to encounter frustrations and failures, to pay the price. So whether the difficulties and progress, and win the war, to determine the direction of Qierbushe, adhere to the established goal is an important part, there is no contract and do not insist in the end the spirit, easily halfway.

  Third, we must never insist on continuous progress.

  "Winners are busy with hard work, never rely on the advent of luck," easy to meet, by luck to meet the desire is also one of the performance of the character of vulnerability. "Looking up at the ideal of self, not satisfied with the present self" "Success comes from the positive efforts, hard work and good at thinking" "by the desire and prayer is not enough, must be hands-on to achieve the ideal.For those tasted, Can not adhere to, adhere to, and then adhere to the attitude to complete their studies, to achieve the ideal of the young people, is inspiration is spur.

  Fourth, insist on success must restrict themselves.

  Success must start from the action, to choose their own do not give up the choice to do, and insist on seeking extraordinary from the ordinary, from small things, make a little money to start and so on, all of these arguments, such as: "Do not ignore the little things" "Do not want to get something for nothing" and so full of educating young people's philosophy.

  Everyone's success is not just standing in the spotlight smile when the brilliant so simple, it is through the back of the base of the drops of effort and sweat cast.

  1. Anti-piracy measures: bundled sales

  2. Maximize the potential of working in teams

  3. Do not fear failure, to correctly deal with failure, respect for failure, failure to be "cruel" analysis process.

  4. Work for successful people first, then with successful people, and finally let the successful people work for you.

  5. Through social relations to carry out business, which is attached importance to the development of a network of purposes.

  6. Start with hard work, master time, immediate action.

  7. Google browser competition in the use of the image of Google to build MSN search services and beyond.

  8. First imitate, after the use of technology and capital squeeze each other's market space.

  9. Speed determines who is the winner.

  10. Gates used two opponents of the killer: First, free to promote their own software. The other is to dominate the operating system with the advantages of their own R & D software integrated into the operating system, the exclusion of others.

  13. First win customers, and then provide technology.

  14. Complimentary customers a lot of software, manuals and free phone service has since become Microsoft's future competition with other software vendors killer.

  15. To have a wealth of imagination and the courage to risk the spirit.

  16. Advocating the freedom of the office concept, for the staff to create the best working environment, highlighting the sense of office equality.

  17. To give everyone the greatest opportunities for development is Microsoft's characteristics.

  18. To be fully authorized, so as to more fully stimulate personal potential to achieve business potential.

  19. Each year, each employee must discuss his future career with his or her supervisor. This will help to arrange and allocate resources comfortably.

  20. Incentive effect, not to provide employees with certain fixed income or benefits, and the benefits of employees and their equity investment in the enterprise linked to the personal interests of employees with the enterprise efficiency, management and staff their own efforts and other factors closelycombine together.

  21. Gates specializes in "bronze" award Microsoft product developers, engraved with its participation in the above project name.

  22. The audience party into a good doctor, the audience into a good maker.

  23. Flat organizational structure, open and democratic work style.

  24. Leadership is "guided", not "controlled," by taking a dual career approach to placement and development of star-focused employees who focus on technology and management.

  25. In a company to do the staff of the people, if you want to get promoted quickly, as long as the achievements of a family did not make, do not or urgent need to work.

  Faithful, hard-working, kind-hearted and generous employees are the most easily promoted employees of a company.

  26. "Moore's Law," a book in the interpretation of the Microsoft revolution put forward an important idea :: you can never rest, otherwise, you will never rest.

  27. Many achievements of the cause of the people, are not enough knowledge, they directly aimed at the goal, and then in the creation process, according to the need to add knowledge.

  28. Bill Gates's motto: "I should be king." Even placing him second, for him, is intolerable.

  He once said to his good friend in his childhood, "It is better to be an oak in a bald mound than to make an oasis of grass, because the grass has no individuality, and the oak heads up the sky.

  Bill Gates, who never took notes from elementary school to college, copied a famous quote from Rockefeller: "Even if you strip me out of your clothes, you do not have a penny left, and you're still in an island On, but as long as there are two conditions - give me one

  Point of time, and let a fleet passing from the island, it would not take long, I will become a new billionaire "" "

个人评价英文版 篇23

  January 8, the SARFT to listen to viewing center in 20xx No. 3 "listen to watch" on the published entitled "Hubei Ridge Ridge> program brand innovation service new rural construction," the research report, specifically to promote the province Innovative program columns, the typical experience of the implementation of brand projects. State Administration of Radio, Deputy Director Hu Zhanfan in the clear sample on the instructions: "Ridge up" adhere to a few years to do the peasant masses of friends, is not easy, worthy of praise. ''

  The research report of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television fully affirmed the guiding ideology, creative planning and a series of organization and implementation measures for the implementation of the "Ranghangxing" brand strategy in our province's broadcasting and TV system. The "Ridge Upward Rendezvous Program"Focus on the development of agriculture, rural progress, the peasants get rich propaganda party advocate, fastened the theme of the times, served the center work; work hard in the program close to rural simplicity of the original ecological fresh material reflects the farmers basic necessities,To reflect the real needs of farmers, take the initiative to adapt to the broad masses of farmers are most concerned about, the most direct and most realistic needs, become farmers to become rich friends of the mentor of the rich and the good of the mentor and his wife, ; In leading the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside, chorus' work hard for the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside provides a good platform to greatly meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses of farmers, the party committee and government to promote the work of a powerful tool, By the majority of farmers welcome and love.

  In recent years, Hubei Radio and Television System innovation program content and form, meticulous planning, organization and implementation of the province's radio and television "Ridge uplink" brand strategy.Through the joint efforts of the provincial radio and television departments and a solid and steady and effective progress, "Ridge uplink" brand strategy to take shape, the initial results, to explore a provincial radio and television services to new rural construction effective way.

  First, establish a typical, well-supported and cultivated Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" brand

  1, adhere to the service and innovation, Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" to practice, three close to the 'important positions

  In 20xx, Jingzhou TV Station in Hubei Province launched the "Ridge Uplift" section. To promote the healthy development of Jingzhou rural economy, promote the party's policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers to help farmers solve outstanding contradictions and problems, take the initiative to adapt to the "three rural" problem,Agriculture, forestry, science and technology, aquatic products and public health, and set up the Agricultural Expert Service Corps in the areas of planting, breeding, plant protection, processing of agricultural products, sanitation and epidemic prevention and so on all the year round, the farmers are most concerned about, the most direct and most realistic needs. Free for farmers to provide agricultural, agricultural services, to help farmers to solve a number of technical problems. , The reporter also with real feelings to explore rural plain original ecological fresh material, with the drama, story, folk songs, folk songs, drums, athletics, games and other farmers tastes program form, reflecting farmers' basic necessities, emotions , The inner world and the true story, so that the program practical, interesting and participatory organic unity, by the Jianghan Plain, the majority of farmers concern and love. According to incomplete statistics, more than 6 years to the column received a total of more than 180,000 letters, received more than 100,000 calls for the farmers to do more than 30,000 pieces of practical, there are hundreds of thousands of farmers to participate in live program recording.

  2, focus on excavation and cultivation, Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" to serve the construction of new countryside brand column

  On the Jingzhou "Ridge uplink" column of innovation and excellence, Hubei Radio and TV Bureau from beginning to end to give enough attention and attention to the column growth and construction devoted a lot of effort. Timely help them sum up experience, a clear positioning and purpose of the program in a timely manner to promote and publicize, give encouragement. Since 20xx, Hubei Bureau of Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" section and its experience for more than 10 times research, that its successful experience: First, identify a close to the agricultural reality, close to rural life, close to the needs of farmers; The fourth is in the process of serving the construction of new socialist countryside, leading the whole society to participate in the "chorus." In the process of building a new socialist countryside, the whole process of building a harmonious socialist countryside, the construction of a harmonious culture of perseverance to carry out publicity and innovation and excellence; three focus on brand building, In September 20xx, the Hubei Provincial Bureau and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee jointly issued the Decision on Recognition of the Column of Jingzhou TV Station, calling on the journalists of the province to study the spirit of innovation and excellence in exploring the media service. Three agricultural "effective way.

  Second, the promotion and popularization, the full implementation of the province, "Ridge uplink" brand strategy

  In 20xx, the Hubei Bureau to promote the "Ridge uplink" brand and its experience, the implementation of the province "Ridge uplink" brand strategy as an important breakthrough in publicity and innovation throughout the year one of the two key tasks. In early April of this year, Hubei Bureau held in Jingzhou, the province's outstanding TV section "Ridge uplink" brand promotion site. Participated in the city (state) radio and television bureau director, TV station director, to the agricultural television program planner heard the Jingzhou television experience introduction, participated in the Jingzhou "Ridge uplink", spring to flower base "large television activities, to experience "Ridge on the line" on the Jianghan Plain masses of peasant masses of great influence and strong appeal. Activities on the same day, the public security county flower base station village is full of festive atmosphere, the village and the surrounding villages and towns more than 30,000 farmers in the rain to participate in the ridge upstream organization of agricultural resources, science and technology, literary fair. In the spring to flower base 'performance scene, ridge upstream farmer troupe performed farmer favorite literary programs. Bursts of applause, laughter, a true expression of the peasants of the spiritual and cultural aspirations of the outstanding radio and television

  Brand column of love.

  Hubei Bureau of party groups attach great importance to the province's "Ridge uplink" brand strategy to promote the work, made several specific deployments. In the process of planning and opening up the "ridge on the line", the Hubei Bureau has repeatedly stressed that the homogeneity to go around the start, differentiated development of the road, it is necessary to conscientiously study Jingzhou "ridge on the line" experience, adhere to Jingzhou " "The purpose and style, but also to strengthen innovation and excellence, into the local cultural elements, with the local characteristics of the" Ridge uplink "to the agricultural program.In late August, the Hubei Bureau also held to promote the "Ridge uplink" brand strategy seminar, inviting some experts focus on the consultation submitted around the "Ridge uplink" program with sample. Guide the province "ridge uplink" to improve program quality and service level. The experts confirmed that the units in a relatively short period of time as required careful planning, run "Ridge uplink" section, that the purpose of the program and positioning accurate, close to the content, in the performance of some new exploration, is very valuable . At the same time, the experts also pointed out that "Ridge uplink" to the program content, performance techniques need to be further improved. Such as material, some units from the production and economic point of view reflect more from the farmers basic necessities, living conditions, emotions, spiritual life and so on is not enough; theme, some units of the type of program description process more, The inner world is not enough, does not reflect the difference between agricultural news and political news; expression, and some units broadcast moderator is not lively, need to further strengthen the integration with the audience; production, some rough, more follow the original agricultural news Of the arrangement.Provincial Bureau in a timely manner to the views and opinions of experts around the guide to improve and improve around.

  After nearly six months of carefully polished around the deepening of the "Ridge uplink" brand concept, "Ridge uplink" program has become a television program in the running of the scenery business cards, farmers have become the favorite program, gradually become a new rural construction services An important force. At present, most of the city and state bureaus and bureaus in Hubei Province have set up the "Ridge Uplift" section, which provides information on breeding, breeding techniques, farmer stories, agricultural weather and hotline. Time broadcast, by the masses generally welcomed by the party committee and government leaders attach importance to and support the ratings effect is good.

  After the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held, the "Ridge Uplift" was organized in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Hubei Bureau. Through various activities and various forms, the spirit of the plenary session was publicized. Through the entertainment activities, the people loved the language expression, Yu Yue, enhance the propaganda effect, serve the center work, fasten the theme of the times, enhance the "Ridge uplink" influence.

  Third, innovation excellence, "Ridge uplink" brand strategy to achieve initial results

  1, "Ridge uplink" program in close to the efforts to become farmers, their own programs'

  From the perspective of ordinary farmers to start, around the masses of the production and life, the spirit of style to make a fuss, with a simple, concrete (Figure), with the simple, specific, , With the masses loved and accepted forms of expression, to show rural new look, reflecting the aspirations of farmers, highlighting the rural fresh air.

  Jingzhou TV to further deepen the "Ridge uplink" brand building, and constantly enrich the brand content, innovative brand, expand the brand extension, column information covers a broader, closer to the performance approach, participation, interaction is more common, more diverse forms of activities, brand value more Prominent, in the majority of the masses of the masses of the attraction, the influence to further enhance the service "three rural" more effective, but also to create a more lucrative economic benefits. January to August this year, "Ridge uplink" column has been pulling agricultural advertising up to 14 million yuan, better play "Ridge uplink" brand leading role. Other places to follow up quickly, the development of good momentum, such as the door "Ridge uplink" content close to strong, rich activities, but also a certain interactive, participatory and interesting. Xiangfan "ridge on the line" well-produced, large amount of information, service and strong. Shennongjia "Ridge uplink" combined with forest characteristics, with local cultural characteristics, the host better into the peasant masses. Yichang "Ridge uplink" in September since the launch, broadcast a total of 12 programs, only from Yichang City ratings share, "Ridge uplink" from the 83 channels in September at the same time viewing share of 18, rose to October 3 bits. Jingmen, Xiaogan, Shiyan and other places "Ridge uplink" program from the original agricultural program revision, the content of the close, performance methods and other aspects of a new exploration.

  2, "ridge on the line" program refinement of public service, a farmer fortune mentor

  Hubei province's "ridge on the line" full of deep feelings of the peasant masses, and effectively enhance the sense of service, always focus on the peasant masses are most concerned about, the most direct and most practical interests of propaganda and reporting to meet the peasant masses of agricultural science and technology, legal knowledge,Breeding technology, market information, cultural life and many other requirements, and guide the majority of farmers in the party's rich peasants under the policy of rich, and promote rural reform and development.

  Xiangfan "Ridge uplink" from the July 28 broadcast has been broadcast 16, received more than 200 letters from farmers, more than 1,500 calls, has become a strong column Xiangfan TV columns. Tianmen "Ridge uplink" to run more than six months, has won the majority of the audience, especially the peasant masses great concern, trust and support, and constantly receive the audience into the phone and send text messages, many of them from Jingzhou, potential Jiang, Xiantao, Hanchuan, Yingcheng and other surrounding counties and cities in the audience, ask farming and breeding technology, market information and other related content. Shennongjia "Ridge uplink" received a letter from a friend of many farmers, "Ridge uplink" close to the lives of farmers, farmers would like to think, is the farmers program. Ezhou "Ridge uplink" has been running 25, received more than 400 letters from farmers, through the television media to solve more than 100 practical problems. Farmers friend said with deep feeling, "Ridge uplink" is to help us get rich friends mentor.

  3, "Ridge uplink" program to lead the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside, chorus' Hubei province 'Ridge up' closely to agricultural development, rural progress, farmers get rich this theme, fully publicize the party's ideas, accurately reflect the aspirations of farmers, Social conditions and public opinion, to ease public sentiment, to maximize the negative factors to dissolve and unite the hearts of the party and the people, for the new rural construction to create a good social and cultural environment; combined, three to the countryside ',, heart to heart' and so popular with farmers activities, The organization of diverse and rich content of the program development for the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside provides a good platform to greatly meet the needs of the masses of farmers spiritual and cultural life, a party committee and government to promote the work of a powerful tool, Three rural 'bridge and link, to create a typical window of harmonious media' target positive efforts.

个人评价英文版 篇24

  Marx and Lincoln were contemporaries, his evaluation of Lincoln is: "This is a will not be intimidated by the difficulties will not be confused by the success of people; his unyielding towards their great goals, and never act rashly Steady, and never retrogression ... ... In short, this is a reached a great realm and still maintain their excellent quality of the rare character of the outstanding moral person was so modest that even he became martyrdom After the fall, the world only to find that he is a hero.

  Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1809) the 16th president of the United States

  Political party: Republican Party

  February 12, 1809, Lincoln was born in Kentucky Harding County, a poor peasant family, the parents of British immigrants descendants. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to the southwest Indiana, land reclamation for a living.9 years old, Lincoln's mother died. A year later, the father married a widow.Stepmother kind and hard-working, treat their ex-wife's children as out.Lincoln also loves the stepmother, a family living in harmony and happiness. Because of family poverty, Lincoln is not a high degree of education. In order to maintain the family plan, when young Lincoln worked as a ferry on the Ohio River, plantation workers, shopkeepers and carpenters. At the age of 18, tall Lincoln was hired by a shipowner, with a flat barge with the people down the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to Orleans.

  This is the first time he came to a city of 40,000 people. The journey, Lincoln saw the black slaves suffered inhuman treatment. In 1830, the Lincoln family moved again and came to Coles County, Illinois, in the middle of the United States, "he said to his partner," until I have a chance to crack down on slavery. " Here, Lincoln began to live independently, and in 1832 enlisted. Lincoln's time is very short, after the demobilization, the local residents elected enthusiastic official activities of Lincoln for the state legislature candidate, but his first campaign did not succeed. Before the age of 25, Lincoln has no fixed occupation, four to make a living. Adult, he became a local land surveyors, proficient in measurement and calculation, often people are invited to solve the boundary dispute. In the hard work, Lincoln is always a love of reading the youth, his night reading lights always flash to late late. In his youth, Lincoln read all of Shakespeare's books, read American History, and read many books on history and literature.Through self-study he made himself a learned and intelligent person. In 1834 August, 25-year-old Lincoln was elected to the state legislators began his political career at the same time management of rural postal services, also engaged in land surveying, and with the help of friends to study the law. A few years later, he became a lawyer. In 1839, Lincoln met a member of the daughter of Mary Todd. She was 21 years old, well-educated, beautiful and lively, they married in November 1842, after the birth of four sons. Accumulated the experience of state legislators, in 1847, Lincoln as the Whig party, participated in the congressional election, won the first time, came to the capital of Washington.

  Before and after, the debate about slavery, has become a major event in American political life.In this debate, Lincoln gradually became anti-slavery. He believes that slavery should eventually be destroyed, first of all in the capital Washington should abolish slavery. Slavery, who represents the interests of the southern plantation owners, frenziedly opposed Lincoln. In 1850, the United States of slave power surge, Lincoln out of Congress, to continue as a lawyer. In 1854, the southern slave owners to enter the new Kansas into the United States, the use of force to force the implementation of slavery, caused a civil war in Kansas. This year, the Republican Party was founded, Lincoln joined, and in 1856 participated in the Republican vice presidential candidate campaign, without success. June 16, 1858, in the same Douglas campaign published a "family dispute" the famous speech. "The House of Splits can not last," he said. I believe that our government can not endure half the freedom of half of slavery. I do not expect federal dissolution, I do not expect the house to collapse, but I do expect it to stop splitting. It will either turn into one thing or all else into another.

  During this period, he and Douglas conducted a debate on the issue of slavery, Lincoln believes that slavery should be abolished, but must be abolished by peaceful means, although his campaign did not succeed, but greatly expanded the Political influence .In 1860, Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, in November, the election announced to 2 million votes was elected the 16th president of the United States, but in the slave-controlled southern 10 states, he did not get a vote. Lincoln was elected president of the news, the rapid expansion of North-South contradictions, adhere to the slavery of the South to Lincoln's election as a disaster, Lincoln in South Carolina before the oath to quit the federal .In order to safeguard national unity, war triggered. As the US general election system enjoys popular support, with the election of the new president, the smooth transition of state power into the United States tradition.

个人评价英文版 篇25

  Of course, I have always liked Stephen Hawking, like his book, today saw Benedict played Hawking, I know I must cry, I simmering, the last moment or not hold back, tears out of the eyes. With regard to Hawking's success, to the scientific community, how much significance of human, I Needless to say, on his love of science, life does not give up the spirit of how worthy of our admiration, I do not need to say, so I want to Another angle to talk about, I see "Hawking" feeling. I would like to say in particular that, apart from Hawking itself, behind the support of his people, gave him what effect, I think this is the film you want to express one of the themes.

  First, talk about his parents, especially his mother. Some people say that this is the British, they can survive anything. In his parents had just learned that Hawking had failed to save the sick, but two years, I thought his parents would like our ordinary parents, like holding crying, but the plot here deeply shocked me, he Parents' dialogue is this:

  Father: When he was young he asked me where the stars came from, and I told him I did not know, but do not worry, I'll ask people to ask, ... But until now, I did not give him an answer, But he was so eager to know the answer.Mother: (She is not as fragile as the average woman, she is very calm and said) You never a sentimental person, and if you become sentimental I can not accept. How long can he live?

  Father: Up to two years.

  Mother: (shocking scene) you have to support him! We must support him!We must carry on, and now he's going back to Cambridge and going back to his life. So his father was the mother of encouragement, immediately restored the fighting spirit, accompanied his son drove to Cambridge.

  The second time in Hawking serious condition, even the doctors told him that the hospital has no way to do anything for you, the doctors have to give up Hawking, Hawking very discouraged, this time, but also his greatParents once again firmly supported him. Is still his mother, firm on his father said: We must support him! We can not give him up!

  So his father and his son went to the front, facing almost self-giving son yelled: I have not given up your (I have not washed my hands on you)! Hear no, you must stick to it!

  So, in the success of Hawking on the road to his parents credit, when his father was Hawking instructor informed, Hawking completed a following Einstein after the very great cause of the time, his father's eyes flash With light, I was deeply moved.

  The second to say is Hawking's mentor.

  The first time when Hawking was enrolled, his father asked the mentor to give him an easy task to complete within two years (before his death), but the instructor refused. He said he must treat science and students equally. , Respect for the facts, can not give Hawking special. Such a strict requirement, which led to Hawking even in the last of life did not give up - of course, although we all feel that he can only live for two years, but the fact that his strong live to the present.

  His mentor has been a constant cosmology supporters, once Hawking in front of other teachers face criticism of others doctrine, attitude is very rebellious, so the teacher called to talk. Hawking that the mentor and his disagreement because of their exclusion, did not expect the mentor actually said such a passage:

  My father is a ... factory boss, he wants me to inherit his factory, when I told him I want to do physicist when he was very angry, he said that unless I won a scholarship or he will not give me a penny , He thought I could not do, but I did ... ... the way in science, you will be surrounded by countless voices to tell you that this is you can not do. This is why I choose to become a teacher, I will not leave because of disagreement to stop my students do he want to do any research! Do it, do only belong to you, your original things, you want to do!

  This passage deeply shocked me, science needs the spirit of seeking truth from facts, even in the scientific community, fame, exclusion of alien things are many, and the mentor has a great conscience, without him, no The conversation, Hawking will not dare to think so.

个人评价英文版 篇26

  A Comprehensive Evaluation of Roosevelt 's New Deal

  Roosevelt's New Deal was a policy adjustment made by the American bourgeoisie to overcome the economic crisis. It was a partial adjustment of the relations of production in the form of state intervention in the form of state intervention in order to adapt it to the needs of social production under the precondition of safeguarding the capitalist system. It does not change the nature of capitalism, it is impossible to fundamentally eliminate the capitalist economic crisis. But it is the capitalist countries of the social and economic life and other aspects have a significant impact.

  Its direct impact is: it to a certain extent, reduce the economic crisis on the serious destruction of American society and promote the recovery of social productivity, consolidate the rule of capitalism.

  The indirect effect is: due to economic recovery, the relative ease of social contradictions, to a certain extent, restore people's confidence in the US national system, thereby curbing the economic crisis caused by fascism, to avoid countries such as Germany and Japan took to fascism The dictatorship of the road.

  Its far-reaching impact is: the New Deal adopted by the state's policy of comprehensive economic intervention, opened up the capitalist countries to strengthen economic intervention policy precedent. This policy strengthened the American monopoly capitalism, which not only became the beginning of modern American monopoly capitalist economic system, but also had a serious impact on the development of economic policies of many other capitalist countries. Since then, the capitalist countries have gradually abandoned the traditional laissez-faire economic policy, gradually began to strengthen the government's macroeconomic regulation and control. After World War II, the state monopoly capitalism has been further developed.

  Finally, some of the ancillary measures of the "New Deal" have had far-reaching implications for today. Such as the protection of the environment and resources. During the "New Deal" period, the Congress passed the "Land Conservation and Domestic Appropriations Act", the Government sent a total of 2.5 million young people to participate in the "folk resources", the United States and the United States in the United States in the 1930s, Protection team ", but also funded the purchase of large tracts of forest and scenic areas to establish national parks, wildlife reserves and so on. Another example is the "New Deal" to promote the active thinking of the United States and the prosperity of academic literature and art.Throughout the "New Deal" period, the US government funded a large number of artists, writers and dramatists, so that they can get rid of the economy on the one hand. Difficulties, independent creation, on the other hand, the Government commissioned by the art to the school and civil society. Roosevelt's cabinet is a gathering place for intellectuals, "New Deal" has all aspects of their participation, "think tank" the resulting word.

个人评价英文版 篇27

  I just graduated from a junior. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother in the garment business, the younger brother is also a college student. I am optimistic personality is a person who likes to communicate with others. I love sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends who are very fond of sports. All the spare time, I will some on my classmates and friends to exercise together. Movement of the happy is very real. I like that feeling. And I like to watch sports events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf.

个人评价英文版 篇28

  1 Lincoln Full Review

  ① Lincoln is a famous American bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the United States the famous leader of the Civil War. In 1861, Republican Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States, in April the same year, the outbreak of the Civil War. In the early years of the war, Lincoln led the northern army to brave defeat, the people asked the government to take more forceful measures. In 1862, the Lincoln government promulgated the "Homestead Act", "the liberation of the Black Slave Declaration", abolished the slavery in the South, the Northern Army was a solid source of manpower.

  ⑤ In 1865, Lincoln led the Northern Civil War to the North victory, the United States eventually be maintained, Lincoln was assassinated by southern fanatics.

  ⑥ Lincoln government through the Civil War, the abolition of the slavery, clear the obstacles to the development of capitalism, for the future economic development to create conditions for music.

  ⑦ Lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of slavery made a significant contribution to the history of the United States as a famous president.

  A Brief Comment on Lincoln

  ① Lincoln is a famous American bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the United States the famous leader of the Civil War. ② Lincoln led the American Civil War victory, promulgated the "Homestead Act", "the liberation of the Black Slave Declaration", the abolition of slavery, to eliminate the obstacles to the development of American capitalism, safeguarding national unity, the United States as the world power laid the foundation .

  ③ Lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of black slavery made a significant contribution by the American people's reverence and become a famous president in American history.

  3, learning insights

  ① study his wholeheartedly love the people, the spirit of the people-oriented quality.

  ② learn his courage to struggle, to the national, national interests as their responsibility and quality of mind.

  ③ learn his perseverance, and always give up the pursuit and struggle, and ultimately go beyond the quality of self. ④ We should fully study the great quality of the great man of history, and strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge.

个人评价英文版 篇29

  Looking back, all have become the past, graduation soon, recalling the past three years, learning ability has been further improved, self-restraint ability has been significantly enhanced, the autonomy of life has also been further improved, and life, values are With a deeper understanding. In the Central Academy of learning and life, I always have so an eternal heart - environmental protection people loyal to the environment. This is my man of the Road - treat people with sincerity, to do, uphold the belief in action to create value, self - innovation. To this end, for my three years of study results in this upcoming graduation moment, do self-identification as follows:

  In the Central Hospital of the day, life is full of sunshine, between people are frank. Between the feelings of the students like a family but more than family, friends like between the feelings of brotherhood, the Central Institute of things I am very concerned about, so I fell in love with the Central Court of everyone, everything. At the same time independent life in my beautiful university three years also so mature, I also realized that the University of independent life is our fundamental life into society.

  In terms of thinking, I went through the primary class to the Department of audit, and then to the hospital's approval, I became the Environmental Protection Vocational and Technical College ninth into the activist party training, and after learning and assessment, Qualified to become a party activist. I was led by a man who knew a little about our party and who knew our Party.

  In learning, self into the Central Institute of the first day, I have not forgotten the purpose of the Central Institute to me - learn knowledge, learn to be a man. In the Central Academy, I received scholarships for the short-term goals even by the Institute of C and other scholarships twice; I learn more knowledge as the goal to participate in the national long-term self-test and has been too many doors. Although I have been affirmed in some ways, but I really need to achieve self-worth more efforts to read to the old, I learned the old will become the most basic ideas.

  In the work, I work in the student union days, I learned to behave. In the practice of the Association I know the cause of the great and a person's pay and achievements. In the social practice of college students in the work I got more difficult to find inspiration, inspired me to overcome the difficulties and courage.

个人评价英文版 篇30

  This book gives me a deep impression especially the description about the man’s braveness and persistence.

  When I was a high school student, I’ve finished this book in Chinese. But when I read it in English, I really gain something new both in the way of expression and the spirit it shows to us. May be different ages to read the same book we will learn different things from it. At least, for my part, that is true.

  Firstly, I would like to review some information about this book. Such as the background, major characters and the topic of it.

  The Old Man and the Sea is a story by Ernest Hemingway, written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works, it centers upon Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.

  The Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. The novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence in Hemingway's capability as an author. Its publisher, Scribner's, on an early dust jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compared it with such works as William Faulkner's "The Bear" and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick.

  The old man Santiago from The Old Man and the Sea is a character seen in many perspectives, as a hero, an ordinary fisherman, an unlucky old man, and a wise man. Throughout the novella he is made out as a person of motivation, passion, and hope. Despite what others do or do not think he is a man of action, and not one consumed by regret. The young and old villagers’ view of Santiago is an important one, but not a differentiating one. The villagers are split into two groups. The older fishermen that respect Santiago and wish him luck, and the younger fishermen that see him as little more than bad luck. While neither group is particularly important to the plot, each of their views sets an ambiance of Santiago forthcoming adventure. Without their views Santiago would be little more than a lucky old fisherman. Santiago has a resolute grip upon reality and lives by it. He sees himself as a man with little direction but enough determination and experience to live. He chose not to see what others thought but instead lived by how he perceived the world. His constant struggles and his persistent resolve to overcome the marlin and himself show his earnest desires to live and fish.

  The boy is a crucial element to Santiago world. Mandolin is always at the edge of Santiago mind when he thinks of convenience. At times with the fish, Santiago thinks to the boy and then to his own lack of ability. He may deny it,but at times it is his relationship with the boy that both makes him realize he needs help, and compels him to go on.

  Christian imagery and concepts are important assets to the old fisherman personality. He is seen as a kind man, and although expresses his frustration towards certain points, only conveys his anger towards the evil representation of the sharks. His kind, infinite eyes, and he carrying his mast like Jesus and his cross only augment his Christ-like personage. His loneliness and greatness are both shown as Mandolin is assigned a new boat after 40 days with Santiago, the same length of time as Christ spent in the wilderness.

  Santiago change at the end of the novella turns him into almost a universal hero. By being at sea, his ventures were never limited and the events of the story just seemed to happen. After he rebukes himself for his arrogance with the marlin, Santiago goes home and dreams of the lions playing in Africa, signaling a cycle of a child-like rebirth through Mandolin.

  Throughout the story many aspects can be found about Santiago personality merely by the content of his 3-day fight with the marlin. The ideology that encompasses the story is only consumed by Santiago pure will to persevere. Certainly Santiago is a man of many themes and personality traits.

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